Tuesday, September 16, 2008


`question 2: prepare data flow diagram to the required level for the above said problem mentioned a problem to cover the process?
Answer: the component of a design method is data flow diagram :
Data flow diagram : have been used for many years prior to the
Advent of computer .DFD show the flow of data through a system .the system may be a company ,an organization a set of procedure a computer hardware system a software system or any combination of the proceeding the DFD also known as data fl ow graph or a bubble chart also. the following information about DFD are important
1) All name should be unique this makes it easier to refer to items of the DFD.
2) Remember that the DFD is now a flow chart .arrows in a flow chart representation the order of events ;arrow in DFD represent following data .a DFD does not imply any order events ./
3) Suppress logical decision if we ever have the urge a diamond shaped box is used in flow chart to represent decision point with multiple exit path of which only one is taken this implies as odering of events which makes no sense in DFD
4) Do not become bogeed down in a details
5) Defer ereo condition and eror handling until the end of the analysis .


Question :3 prepare an entity relationship diagram for the billing application of a petrol retail outler consider all the related entity attributes and relationships .
Answer :

with the help pf an example for each, discuss the significance and the Gantt chart, pert chart and HIPO chart.
PERT chart- Prior to the development of PERT the most popular technique for project scheduling. This chart show a graphical representation of work on a time scale.pert is concern with probability there is a expected of critical path in this method the project duration has associated probability

Gantt Chart- it is a project control technique that can be used for several purposes, including scheduling, budgeting and resources planning. It is used almost exclusively for scheduling purposes, and therefore controls only the time dimension of projects.

HIPO- It is a tool commonly used for developing system software. (Hierarchy plus Input- Process-Output) Pronounced”hy-po.” An IBM flow- charting technique that provides a graphical method for designing and documenting program .
This method was originally developed to provide documentation assistance for programmers/analysts.

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