Tuesday, September 16, 2008


MCS 015
Communication Skills

Q1. Read the following passage carefully.

Psychoanalysts treat their patients by delving into their past – often their early years of childhood – in an attempt to help them understand present feelings and behavior. Consultants try to understand their clients’ history and track record in an attempt to identify the roots of failure or the seeds of success.
In some respects, consultants have an easier job; they can look over past balance sheets and profit and loss statements in order to analyze the management of assets, profitability and cost control. They can follow the company’s history through from its initial successes with perhaps a single product to its present-day range of products or services. They can study the organizational structure of the company, marketing and personnel policies, even the physical layout of offices and factory.
However, putting their finger on why one company fails and another succeeds is not always so easy. Companies look outside for this advice because they cannot find the answers themselves. They hope that the consultant will be able to draw on his or her wider experience – perhaps recognize a symptom that he has previously encountered. Then perhaps he or she will be able to diagnose their ills, prescribe a course of treatment for recovery and recommend a new life-style to ensure future health and prosperity.
Now answer the following questions:

i. Why do Psychoanalysts and consultants need to delve into the past of their patients and clients?
Psychoanalysts and consultants need to delve into the past of their patients and clients so that they could know the reasons for their failure or success.

ii. Why do you think a consultant’s job is easier than a Psychoanalyst?
A consultant’s job is easier than a Psychoanalyst because they can look into companies balance sheets and profit and loss statements in order to analyse the management of assets, profitability and cost control.

iii. Companies evidently want help from consultants from time to time. Why? Discuss.

Companies want help from consultants from time to time because companies cannot find the answers themselves. They hope that consultant will be able to diagnose their ills and prescribe treatment for recovery.

Iv. Taking the passage as the basis, write in about 100 words. “The role of a consultant in a company”.

Consultants try to understand their clients’ history and track record in an attempt to identify the roots of failure or the seeds of success. consultants have an easier job. they can look over past balance sheets and profit and loss statements in order to analyse the management of assets, profitability and cost control. They can follow the company’s history through from its initial successes with perhaps a single product to its present-day range of products or services. They can study the organizational structure of the company, marketing and personnel policies, even the physical layout of offices and factory.

v. Give an appropriate title to the passage.

“Lead Consultants“ is the title for the passage.
Q2(a). Match the following words from the text in column A with their meanings in column B:

Word Meaning
i To delve a Dig, try to uncover
ii Track record b History of achievements
iii Roots c Origins, beginnings
iv Seeds d Origins, causes
v Layout e Configuration
vi To put your finger on f Use, refer to
vii To restore g Bring back to original form
viii Encounter h Come across

Q2(b). As we saw in the passage, it is possible to draw parallels between business and human health. Match the common medical terms with their business equivalents.

Medical Term Business term
i Symptom a Sign/indicator
ii Diagnose b Identify/conclude
iii Medical history c Track record
iv Course of treatment d Policy/strategy
v Recovery e Turn-around

Q5. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
i) The consultant had never worked in London before she got this contract.
ii) She recently decided to move to London.
iii) She was driving to London when the storm began.
iv) While the manager was talking to the consultant, the employees packed the prints ready for dispatch.
v) Is that what those men were working on when I came in?
vi) Unless we invest in our staff, they will not stay with the company.
vii) After the initial launch, we plan to extend it to the rest of the country.
viii) We would be doing much better if we had not wasted so much money last year.
Q6. Complete the following phrasal verb in the sentences by inserting an appropriate adverb.
i) I can’t get to Munich this week, so I’m going to put off my visit till next week.
ii) Despite our efforts, the negotiations have broken down again.
iii) I’m very relieved that the workers have called the strike off.
iv) Before you leave, make sure that you shut down the computer system.
v) I look forward to seeing you in the near future.
vi) To get through security, you’ll have to fill up a form.
vii) I’m afraid I didn’t understand that point. Could we come up to it afterwards?
viii) We’ve decided to increase our offer; we’ve put it up by $ 30,000.
ix) Let’s throw this idea away and see if it has any potential.
x) He ran into an enormous telephone bill.
Q8. Mark the stress in the following words:
i. Delve
ii. Psychoanalysts
iii. Consultant
iv. Assess
v. Organization
vi. Identify
vii. Profitability
viii. Recommend
ix. Experience
x. Personnel

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