Wednesday, December 12, 2007



71. Running the System File Checker

To check the integrity of key system file, you can run SFC.EXE in the \\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM
directory It can restore corrupted files, check for changed or deleted system files, as well as restore default settings

72. System Information Utility with Win98

To check on various system configurations such as:
Hardware Resources and Conflicts
System File Checker
Registry Checker
Version Conflict Manager
Hardware Components and more
Save System Settings
Run the System Information utility from Start/Accessories/System Tools/System Information

73. Do you have a problem with your Video ? Always going in VGA MODE ?

This happens to everyone at some point of time or other and is most likely caused by some
application or third party utility overwriting your drivers files (or if you do not have had a right video driver to begin with). To verify exactly what gets loaded, follow these steps.

Open registry by going to
START-RUN and entering regedit. Navigate to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\hardware\\DeviceMap\\Video . In this value of Device\\Video0 points to a registry key that has the location of the video driver that Windows is configured to load.

for example:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\ videodriver \\Device0 . Navigate to this key. Check value of "InstalledDisplayDrivers" . Its value indicates whether driver was loaded or not. If the setting shows another registry location, a third-party driver may be getting loaded.

Check out Microsoft Knowledgebase article for more details:

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Before doing anything with registry, It is very important that you take a backup of registry by exporting it. Remember even a minor mistake in registry could render your system unusable or will cause it to stop or crash. XPTOOLS is not responsible for any such damage that may occur directly or indirectly as a result of your applying these changes. Don't try it if you are not sure. Use at your own risk.

74. Having trouble with MSDOS program ? Tips on troubleshooting.

I read a good article on Troubleshooting MS-DOS-Based Programs in Windows (Q314106) at
Microsoft knowledgebase website. One of the first thing to test when you are having problems with MS-DOS-based programs is the Windows Virtual DOS Machine (NTVDM) subsystem.

Open STARTRUN and enter or cmd.exe. If you don't see a MSDOS windows coming up you of course have a problem.

Check the Config.nt and Autoexec.nt files in the SystemRoot%\\System32
folder for nonstandard settings.

Use a REM statement to remark out all entries except the following default entries:
dos=high, umb
lh %SystemRoot%\\System32\\Mscdexnt.exe
lh %SystemRoot%\\System32\\Redir
lh %SystemRoot%\\System32\\Dosx
lh %SystemRoot%\\System32\\Nw16 (only if CSNW is installed)
lh %SystemRoot%\\System32\\Vwipxspx (only if CSNW is installed)
The registry entries that are associated with the NTVDM subsystem are:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment
This key stores the environment variables from the Config.sys and Autoexec.bat files for use in

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ VirtualDeviceDrivers
This key stores the device drivers that are used in an NTVDM session. Windows Setup creates these entries when a device driver is installed.

Read the article at Troubleshooting MS-DOS-Based Programs in Windows (Q314106) for complete details as I am simply repeating what's already available in the article.

75. Create your own popup menu in TASK BAR

This is not a registry tweak or anything big at all but may still be helpful to some. Remember what happens when you click on START button. You see a popup window coming up. You can create your own popup window other than START MENU in taskbar. Put down shortcuts to all applications that you want to see in your popup in a folder.

Then you right click on taskbar->toolbars->new toolbar->
and select the new folder.

76. Change default directory of Windows Explorer

If you are one of those who are annoyed by Windows Explorer always opening my documents folder by default, here is a solution.

In the properties of explorer or explorer shortcut which you access by left click you enter this in the end: /n,/e,c: After this , it look like : %SystemRoot%explorer.exe /n,/e,c: .
You can change C: to anything you want !! .

77. How to avoid autoplay of CD ? Way I like best.

Hey this time no registry trick even though there are ways in registry to do it. In earlier operating systems only those CD that had autorun.inf file in their root directory were able to execute on its own but with advent of WINDOWS XP it has become possible with just about anything.

Well sometimes it is good but there are other times when you want to avoid this part of automation. What would I do.

Simply press SHIFT key when you enter a CD in your CD drive. It won't Auto play. For those of you, who do want a registry hack. Here it is: Open Registry and navigate to

and look for key "NoDriveTypeAutoRun" and set its value to 185 (decimal).

This would stop autoplay.

78. Clean TCP/IP stack may be your solution

One of things that has improved a lot is the Windows ability to detect and connect to Internet But I still get into situations where (specially with my NAT and consistent testing of new ideas and tricks) that I end up correcting the TCP/IP stack.

I got another IBM computer day before yesterday and I got into trouble again. Well one quick command that you can try out to rebuild the TCPIP stack is by means of using netsh network command shell. This is mentioned on my list of tools page and I would be
describing its capability in great detail whenever I get some free time. But for now try this command netsh int ip reset mynetsh.log .

This would rebuild your TCP/IP stack and a log of activities would be created in mynetsh.log (by the way you can give any name to log file as long as you do give some name).

79. Secure your privacy by cleaning pagefile.

I read about this tweak a long time ago and even found out couple of ways of achieving the same
results but wasn't sure of the importance. But you know what, there is reason for everything. Assume your are working on computer where you don't really own the computer or is shared with someone else.

Do you want maintain privacy and avoid other know what you were doing etc. Then this tweak
may be of interest to you. Go to Control panel Administrative tools, local security policy.

Then goto local policies ---> security options.

Then change the option for "Shutdown: Clear Virtual Memory Pagefile"

80. Gain temp access Administrative privileges if not logged administrator.

I must be telling you one thing. In most of the cases where Windows XP is installed on a personal computer, users generally have access to administrative account. But you know, it is not in your best interest to log on as administrator for all your computing needs.

I must advise you to create a normal user account as well. But what if you are logged in as normal user and happen to download/install some software application that would need administrative privileges Here is the solution.

Simply right click on the executable and select run as. You would see a window poping up. Here you can provide one of the userid/password that would have admin privileges That's all you need to run that program with administrative privileges.

warning :

All the Tricks which had shown in this site is just for Teaching and Learning purpose.use all tricks on your personal risk.

Mail me at to receive latest updates and source cods and be in touch.



61. How to verify XP software you bought is OEM/ UPGRADE/ RETAIL?

I am sure we all have noticed Microsoft product marketing strategy. Whenever they launch any new product line,there are various flavors of it available right from day one. Some are given adjectives like UPGRADE version or FULL, others RETAIL v/s OEM and then of-course we have various categories of the product like HOME, PRO , SERVER , ADVANCED SERVER etc etc.

Well ever wondered what you bought is same as what was advertised ? How to tell the difference.

Here comes the help.

Look for a file called Setupp.ini that is present on your Windows XP CD and double click on it and browse its content.

There is a field called PID=. This PID is what would tell us exactly what we have got.

First 5 bytes of PID decide whether (it is OEM or RETAIL or is an UPGRADE ) and last three digits determine what kind of CD KEY will it accept.

Here are some of the typical PID values:
Retail = 51882 335
Volume License = 51883 270
OEM = 82503 OEM

62. Extremely powerful tool in Microsoft XP Operating System.

Have you heard of group policy editor ? This is one of the most powerful tool that Microsoft XP comes bundled with that most of us don't even know about. I recently discovered it by accident. Learn more about it at Group Policy Editor section of this site but in brief it can be used to carry out powerful customizations and performance tuning of your system.

Go to START-RUN and enter gpedit.msc
Have tendency to forget passwords ? Want a solution that will help you get back in business ?
Most of us have a common tendency of forgetting passwords. If you don't every forget anything, I envy you and this may not be of much use to you but for most of us, this may be a life saver.

If you're running Windows XP Professional as a local user in a workgroup environment, you can create apassword reset disk by following instruction as shown below:

Go to START-CONTROL PANELUSER ACCOUNTS. Then click your account name and further on in RELATED TASKS, click PREVENT A FORGOT PASSOWRD.

A wizard would come up, follow instructions and you have your password reset disk ready. IMPORTANT NOTE: As it goes with things like password, make sure that you keep this disk at secure location else you risk tress passing with your user account.

63. What to do with "the system has recovered from a serious error......" error?

Whenever Windows XP encounters a problem (that it thinks is serious even if you did not do anything unusual) it creates a dump file.

Next time you reboot, you most likely see this error message.

Clicking on more information shows error signature and other clumsy details.

Typically minidump would be stored in \\WINDOWS\\MINIDUMP directory.

It is not so easy to decipher this information. Best thing to do is to go to Windows Online Crash Analysis site at and submit report (or check status if you have already submitted the report).

You may need to signon with Microsoft .Net Passport and if you don't have you may need to create one by supply some basic information about yourself..

Following are some of actions that you can take to avoid this error from cropping up.
Temporarily disabling error reporting:

Right-clock on my computer, select properties, advanced tab, error reporting button - turn on the "no error reporting" check box and turn off the "but notify me" option.

Disable Virtual Memory:
Right-click on my computer, select properties, advanced tab, performance settings, advanced tab, virtual memory "change" button. Note down the current VM settings (system managed or any customized size.

Turn on the "no paging file" bullet, and press the set tab.

Delete the paging file:

Reboot. Verify that the option reads 0 kb for page file. Use folder options on control panel or explorer "tools" pulldown menu & go to "view" tab. Turn off check box to permit viewing of system files.

Now explorer on the root of C drive (or what ever drive letter you page file was set to use), should show a pagefile.sys entry. Delete this. You will get a warning message about this being a system file. Since you have disabled virtual memory, this entry is not being used. Delete it. Go empty the trash bin to make sure this entry is cleared.

Re-enable Virtual Memory:

Right-click on my computer, select properties, advanced tab, performance settings, advanced tab, virtual memory "change" button , turn on the system-managed or customized paging file with the same settings as you noted down earlier. Be sure to press the set button. Reboot and verify that the paging file is active.

Re-enable error reporting that was disabled earlier.

Reboot to verify that the repetitive error message has indeed "left the building"
IMPORTANT NOTE: Microsoft support team should contact you as soon as possible!

64. Installed Windows XP on the same volume as old OS?

I did this very same thing on my computer the first time I tried to install Windows XP Pro. Installation was carried out from within the old Windows 2000 environment and it did go well. I had chosen fresh install and ( that was the intention as I had bought a copy of WINDOWS XP PRO FULL VERSION and wanted to wipe out the old install...I do not believe in UPGRADE Versions!).

But when rebooted I saw multiple boot option and soon figured out that installation did not go as I had expected.....To clean it I had to go into boot.ini file and delete entry corresponding to Windows 2000. Also based on my experience of old directory structure, I had to manually delete those. I could easily remove the WINNT directory as it belonged to Windows 2000.

Difficult task was the program files directory as it has old as well as new stuff mixed up. I used date and timestamp sorting to figure out what was old and not needed but you be very careful here.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you remove a program file belonging to Windows by mistake, you may be heading for trouble !

65. NetMeeting does not open up quickly or not at all?

I did face this a couple of times when inviting someone for voice chat on MSN. If you have recently bought/installed the XP PRO on your PC (which had been the case with me) you may not have activated netmeeting. You would have to do that. Quickest would be to go to START-RUN and entering CONF and in the resultant screen, providing basic information about your self and your are done.

66. Reduce keystrokes by pressing CTRL key while entering in web addresses?

If you just type CNN and press CTRL+ENTER, it is as good as entering!
IMPORTANT NOTE: To best of my knowledge it only works for .com addresses!

67. Why sending a file does not work in MSN messenger if NAT is installed ?

I have three computers connected to Internet via one that has WINDOWS XP installed on it. NAT works great and I like that. Problem is if you are using MSN messenger, you can not send a file to someone because that is sort of like point to point ftp protocol and does not work with local addresses over Internet But you can get remote assistance and if you have any problems read this tip on Microsoft Expert Zone:

68. Installing the Resource Kit

From the CD in the \\TOOLS\\RESKIT directory, you can install the Windows98 Resource Kit.
The following is an excerpt from a document included on the CD that lists all the programs that can be installed.

1. BATCH.EXE: Microsoft Batch Setup utility. Creates files for automated installation of Windows 98 and components.

2. CHDOSCP.EXE: Code Page Changer. Changes the Code Page used for MS-DOS-based
programs to match Windows 98 Regional Settings.

3. CHECKLINKS.EXE: Link Check Wizard. Finds and eliminates dead links and shortcuts.

4. CLIPTRAY.EXE: Clip Tray. Optimizes and manages the Clipboard.

5. FAT32WIN.EXE: Fat32 Conversion Information Tool.

6. INFINST.EXE: Windows 98 Inf installer Utility.

7. LFNBACK.EXE: Long Filename Backup Utility.

8. MINITEL .TTF Files. Minitel font emulation files for HyperTerminal.

9. NETMON: Network Monitor. Service for remote monitoring of network performance on Windows 98 client machines.

10. QUIKTRAY.EXE: Quick Tray. Organizes the icons in the Windows 98 system tray.

11. POLEDIT.EXE: System Policy Editor. Sets administrative policies to define configuration settings for individual users, individual computers, or groups of users.

12. PWLEDIT.EXE: Windows 98 Password List Editor.

13. REMOTREG: Microsoft Remote Registry. Service for remotely viewing and editing the Registry on Windows 98 client machines.

14. RPCPP: Remote Procedure Call Print Provider. Service for administering network printers from Windows 98 machines.

15. SNMP Agent: Windows 98 SNMP network protocol agent.

16. TEXTVIEW.EXE: Text file viewer. Quickly displays the contents of text files.

17. TIMETHIS.EXE: Time This. Scripting tool that times how long it takes for the system to execute a given command.

18. TWEAKUI.EXE: Power Toy. Enhances and customizes the Windows 98 desktop.

19. TZEDIT.EXE: Time Zone Editor. Creates and edits time zone entries for the Date/Time icon in Control Panel.

20. USBVIEW.EXE: USB Viewer. USB Device information and troubleshooting tool.

21. WAITFOR.EXE: Scripting tool that causes the computer to wait for a signal sent over the network.

22. WHERE.EXE: Command-line tool that reports the location of a specified file on the hard disk.

23. WINDIFF.EXE: File and Directory comparison. Compares the contents of files or directories and reports differences.

24. WINSET.EXE. Command-line/scripting tool that sets global environment variables for Windows 98.

25. WSHADMIN.HLP: Windows Scripting Host Administrator's Guide. Guide to running scripts and designing applications for Windows Scripting Host.

69. Increasing Drive Performance

You can likely increase your Hard Drive or CD ROM performance by:

Opening up the Device Manager
Double click on the CD or Hard Drive
Click on the Settings tab
If you have a DMA box that is not grayed out, check that box
Reboot when prompted When Win98 starts again, see if that box is still checked.

This is especially beneficial with the newer UDMA drives which are supported by Win98
This will also greatly reduce CPU utilization during hard drive activity.

70. Configuring for Single Click

One of the configuration changes you can make with Win98 is to have the mouse only need a single click to open programs or shortcuts.

To make this change:
Open any folder, the Explorer or My Computer
Select View / Folder Options
Check Custom, based on settings you choose
Click on the Settings button
The last section, Click items as follows allows you to configure Win98 for single click

warning :

All the Tricks which had shown in this site is just for Teaching and Learning purpose.use all tricks on your personal risk.

Mail me at to receive latest updates and source cods and be in touch.



56. Get back to old days, see the file attributes in Windows Explorer

I have noticed that in Windows Explorer, when you click on the detailed mode, you do not see the file attributes any more. This used to be there in previous versions of Windows (Well in office, I still use Windows 95 and Windows Explorer out there shows the file attributes).

If you want to enable this setting, do this:

In regedit, navigate to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced] and look for key "ShowAttribCol". You may not find it there if this is your first time.

In this case, create a new DWORD key "ShowAttribCol" and set its value to 1 to enable it.

57. Stop a user from changing Start Menu

This can be considered a security tip. If you want to restrict modifications to Start menu, do the

In regedit, navigate to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer]
and look for key "NoChangeStartMenu".

Set its valueto 1 to enable it to stop users from changing the Start Menu.

58. Control Scrolling or Cascading behavior of Start Menu

If there are more items in Start-Program menu than can be shown in a single screen, then windows has to do either scrolling or cascading effect to display rest of the items. You can tell Windows what to do by doing this:

In regedit, navigate to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows
\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced] and look for key "StartMenuScrollPrograms".

You may not find it there if this is your first time. In this case, create a new STRING key "StartMenuScrollPrograms" and set its value to "YES" to enable scrolling or "NO" for the cascading effect.

59. Want to remove shared documents folder from My Computer window ?

Microsoft has done a fabulous job in the making of Windows XP. But least to say, no two people are alike. Some of the default features that Microsoft thought was good may not be liked by you at all. I have read various newsgroups and chats and one thing I noticed is that some don't like my shared documents folder option. If you are one of that, here is a trick to remove it.Open registry editor by going to START-RUN and entering regedit.

Once in registry, navigate to key

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Explorer \\ MyComputer \\ NameSpace \\ DelegateFolders You must see a sub-key named {59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee}.

If you delete this key, you have effectively removed the my shared documents folder.

60. Want to have more options in the Add/Remove program list

All programs that are available on your Windows XP system are not available for removal. For
example wordpad. I mean you don't want to remove wordpad from Add/Remove program list, but that serves just as an example.

So why are some programs in the list and some not. Its not a game of Random numbers. There many a few unique methods through which we can control what appears on list and what does not.

If you have installed Windows in C: drive , Go to C:\\WINDOWS\\inf (substituting the correct drive letter for your version of Windows) and open the sysoc.inf file.

File contents looks like this: See the components that have word HIDE as second last item on the row.

This hide tells system to not to display those items/apps in the Add/Remove program list.

If you want to have this item in list, simply replace it with blank. I think you understand what am I saying

Signature = "$Windows NT$"
IndexSrv_System = setupqry.dll,IndexSrv,setupqry.inf,,7
TerminalServer=TsOc.dll, HydraOc, TsOc.inf,hide,2

warning :

All the Tricks which had shown in this site is just for Teaching and Learning purpose.use all tricks on your personal risk.

Mail me at to receive latest updates and source cods and be in touch.