Monday, January 28, 2008

Windows Xp Tricks (Learn Part 19)

Windows Xp Tricks

118. Assigning WAV Files When You Open a Folder

You can assign a different .wav file to play when you open any folder in windows explorer.

You must know a litle html

Create a .wav or midi file or use one you already have.

Save the file to the C: drive in any directory.

Go to Windows Explorer and highlight the folder Click View on the toolbar and choose Customize this Folder.

Click Create or edit an HTML document.

Click next and click next again.

Now just insert your html code for your file and then save.

Go to your folder and it should play your file.

119. Helping to Reduce Modem Timeout

If you are experiencing a lot of modem timeout with you system,you can change the SLOWNET value in the Registry

1. Start Reged
2. Go to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Class\\Net\\0000 (0001 etc)

3. Change the SLOWNET value from 01 to 00

120. Hardware Information Utility

There is a hardware diagnostics utility that is installed with Windows98 that lets you view your hardware, registry, conflicts etc.

From the Run box, enter HWINFO /UI You can view the hardware you have, what portion of the registry is pointing to it, conflicts, drivers used, I/O, IRQ, DMA # usage, and more.

The results are somewhat color coded.

· File attributes are magenta
· Registry entries are green
· Configuration Manger info is brown
· Warnings are blue
· Error messages are red

121. Changing the Version Displayed on the Desktop

If you display the version number of Windows98 on the desktop, you usually get something like Windows 98 4.10.1998 or whatever the release date was in the lower right-hand corner of the desktop.

You can change that to any other 20 characters (11 for "Windows 98 " and 9 for "4.10.1998") "Windows98 " is in the C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\KRNL386.EXE file.
"4.10.98" is in the C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\USER.EXE file.

1. Make copies of both files - KRNL386.EXE.ORG and USER.EXE.ORG - this is to have a backup just in case
4. Use a hex editor (I like Ultra-Edit) to edit both files
5. For KRNL386.EXE search for the first instance of "Windows 98 ". It should be just before Debug Windows 98
6. Change this to whatever 11 characters you want
7. For USER.EXE search for the first instance of the version number (4.10.1998 or whatever yours displays). It should be just before Monitor%d
8. Change this to whatever 9 characters you want
9. Boot to DOS.
10. Copy USER1.EXE to USER.EXE
11. Copy KRNL3861.EXE to KRNL386.EXE
12. Restart the computer

Note: While I haven't had any problems with this for the past several days, I take no responsibility ifthis does have some issue at some future date

122. Enabling Fast Shutdown

To turn on this feature:

1. Start Regedit
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ System \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ Shutdown
3. Create a string called FastReboot
4. Give it a value of 1

123. Disabling Web View in the Win98 File Explorer

If you want to disable Web View you can either delete or rename the \\Windows\\Web directory. Now when you click on Web View in the Explorer, nothing will happen.

124. Removing Log Off Username from the Start Menu

To remove the Log Off line on your Start menu

1. Start RegEdit

2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Policies \\Explorer

3. Create a new DWORD Value

4. Name it NoLogOff

5. Give this entry and add the value 1

6. Logoff and back on again to reset the registry
Download reg file

125. Link Wizard
The Link Wizard scans all of the link files on your system. If the associated program is not found, the Link Wizard will give you the option of removing it.

You can find the Link Wizard in the RESKIT / DESKTOP directory of your Win98 CD. The file name is CHKLNKS.EXE

Warning All the Tricks, which had shown in this site, is just for Teaching and Learning purpose. Use all tricks on your personal risk.

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