Wednesday, January 9, 2008



86. Menonaktifkan File dan Printer Sharing

Windows memungkinkan pembuatan jaringan peer-to-peer untuk pertukaran data antar PC.
Pertukaran data seperti ini mengandung resiko pengaksesan data Anda oleh siapa saja yang seharusnya tidak berhak.
Walapun aksesnya telah Anda amankan dengan password, tetap saja ada orang yang dapat mengaksesnya dengan dengan meng-hack atau lewat bantuan tool tambahan.

Karena itu lebih baik menentukan sebuah PC khusus hanya digunakan untuk pertukaran data. Yang ingin membagi data dapat meng-copy-kannya ke folder sharing PC tersebut. Pada PC Anda sendiri nonaktifkan sharing.

Untuk itu pilih Properties pada My Network Places dan klik pada "File and
Printer Sharing". Dalam jendela dialog yang tampil uncheck kedua checkbox yang ada.

87. Want to change font size of Internet Explorer content on the fly ?

Do you know that font size of many of the web sites can be changed as per your view pleasure. Yea !

You know about it but do not want to take those additional steps. I hear you ! Here is a tip. If you have a mouse that has scrolling button then fond changing is as easy as pressing CTRL key and rotating scrolling button either towards you (to increase) or away from you (to decrease).
Try it out. It works for me.

88. Want to boost response time of start menu ?

Windows XP is touted as a new generation of OS Xperience. No doubt about that but this experience come at a cost. Resources.
If your hardware configuration (read CPU,RAM) is not upto speed but still
want to boost response time of start menu, here are a few tricks that might help. Open registry editor by going to START-RUN and entering regedit and navigate to key HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\Control Panel \\ Desktop \\ MenuShowDelay .

Change the value (default may be 400) to 5 or 50 or even 0.

This should speed up. If you are not all that crazy for shadowy effects, you can further speed the things up by going to DISPLAY Properties Window and from there to appearance and over there clicking Advanced command button and check off Show menu shadow.

89. Want to enhance Network throughput? Try out this tip.

Network throughput depends on a variety of factors and as such you never no what could be the bottleneck.
One of things that we can try out is the network redirector reserves.Open registry editor by going to START-RUN and entering regedit and navigate to key

One here, click on right pane and added following Dwords.

Dwords are in hexadecimal (and value as shown below indicates that of 104, valid values are 0-255).

Keep both values same. I think default is 15 or 20. This may help networkthrough put but there is no guarantee. Try it out.


90. Change the default search engine in Internet explorer?

Default search engine of Microsoft Internet explorer is MSN. But there are better search engines available.
I like and you may have your own preference. Recently I came across article
that indicated how to change the default search engine through registry.
Open registry editor by going to START-RUN and entering regedit and navigate to following three keys separately and change it as shown below:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\ Internet Explorer\\Main]
"Search Page"=""
"Search Bar"=""
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft \\Internet Explorer\\SearchURL]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft \\Internet Explorer\\Search]

(This example is specific to google but there is a Microsoft article that I found on their support site which described show to do it for many other engines. Read all of it at:
warning :
All the Tricks which had shown in this site is just for Teaching and Learning purpose.use all tricks on your personal risk.

Mail me at to receive latest updates and source cods and be in touch.

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