Sunday, December 9, 2007



21. Improve computer performance by reducing EFS cache

Navigate to HKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\NTFS\\EFS\\Parameters and set the parameter of EFSKCACHEPERIOD to a value between 2 and 30. default is 5. Value suggest the time in seconds the kernel will cache the session key for a user for a given file.
The Kernel will not validate the user credentials during this cache period. This has the net effect of faster access to encrypted files that may be opened several times during a given time period.This is helpful in kernel and user mode of the EFS (encrypting file system) as it provides quicker access to frequently use components.

Similarly navigate to HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\EFS and set the value of KeyCacheValidationPeriod to a value in units of second from 1 minute to 1 day (60 to 86400).

Microsoft has an interesting article on this at Registry Keys Used to Tune EFS Caching (Q278256).

Read it for complete details

22. Customize your Start Menu setting and preferences

You can open group policy editor (gpedit.msc) and go to User Configuration \\ Administrative
Templates \\ Start Menu and Taskbar and set a variety of preferences for your startmenu. Or if You want You can open registry editor and navigate to

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer and enable/disable various parameters by changing 1 to 0 and viceversa.
I am doing a cut/paste of list available at Microsoft site. Visit the site to get details on these registry values
Registry Value:"NoSimpleStartMenu"
Registry Value:"NoStartMenuPinnedList"
Registry Value:"NoStartMenuMFUprogramsList"
Registry Value:"NoStartMenuMorePrograms"
Registry Value:"NoCommonGroups"
Registry Value:"GreyMSIAds"
Registry Value:"NoWindowsUpdate"
Registry Value:"NoStartMenuMyMusic",
Registry Value:"DisableMyPicturesDirChange", "DisableMyMusicDirChange",
Registry Value:"NoSMMyDocs"
Registry Value:"DisablePersonalDirChange"
Registry Value:"NoRecentDocsMenu"
Registry Value:"MaxRecentDocs"
Registry Value:"ClearRecentDocsOnExit"
Registry Value:"NoFavoritesMenu"
Registry Value:"{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}" under
Registry Value:"NoNetworkConnections"
Registry Value:"NoStartMenuNetworkPlaces"
Registry Value:"NoRecentDocsNetHood"
Registry Value:"NoSMHelp"
Registry Value:"NoFind"
Registry Value:"NoRun"
Registry Value:"MemCheckBoxInRunDlg"
234 Tips – Trick Windows Part 1
Registry Value:"NoResolveSearch"
Registry Value:"NoResolveTrack"
Registry Value:"ForceStartMenuLogoff"
Registry Value:"StartMenuLogoff"
Registry Value:"NoClose"
Registry Value:"NoStartMenuEjectPC"
Registry Value:"NoChangeStartMenu"
Registry Value:"NoSetTaskbar"
Registry Value:"NoInstrumentation"
Registry Value:"NoUserNameInStartMenu"

I read about this on Microsoft Web Site. Here is the link Policy Settings for the Start Menu in Windows XP (Q292504)

23. Set the low level hook time-out and stop certain programs from crashing

One of the things that you can do avoid some programs from becoming unstable is to set a low level hook timeout. There are a few programs which use this low level hook timeout. Setting a low value (in milliseconds) means that if the hooked program does not respond within timeout period, one that has set the hook would not become unstable or go in infinite wait but would kill itself saving windows resources and improving performance. Open Registry by going to START-RUN and entering
REGEDIT and Navigate to [HKEY_CURRENT USER\\Control Panel\\Desktop] and look for
"LowLevelHooksTimeout" in the right pane. Now set it to a small number in milliseconds for example a value of 3500 would mean 3.5 seconds.

24. Does it ask for password everytime you connect ?

Even though this is not a problem for me but there is a chance that it could be a problem for you.

Sometimes no matter what you do, Outlook Express forgets your password and asks you to enter it again each and every time you connect to your mail server.I have a solution that may work for you.

Open Registry by going to START-RUN and entering REGEDIT and Navigate to HKEY_CURRRENT USER\\Software\\Microsoft and look for "Protected Storage System Provider".
There is a good chance that you will see this folder. If you have it. Simply delete it. More than likely, you have solved your problem .

25. Tuning up MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) to speed up Internet access.

This is an old one. I had tried it on Window 2000 as well. Now let me tell you one important fact
related with tuning. Value of MTU depends upon how fast a connection you have, what kind of
activities you perform (ask yourself a question. Are your a mild, average or high end user of Internet ?

To put it in other words, Do you download little or nothing, or are an average surfer or are Internet savvy individual and download everything from programs,apps,patches to watching Internet audio/video real-time content?) Depending upon who you are as a user and what kind of connection (modem,dsl,cable or in rare cases T1/T3), this tuning may have little to significant effect on your Internet experience.
All right MTU stand for Maximum Transmission Unit. Value of MTU decides the
size of Internet data packet. Bigger the size, more you can transfer. Analogy could be made with a bucket. If bucket is small, you can carry little but it would be no strain on your strength. Bigger the bucket, more you can carry but it strains your physical strength. (Well! Its not that simple but good enough to understand). Objective should be find a perfect balance which works for you.
I think maximum that you can put is as value of MTU is 1500 (but could be higher for your specific network) and it may not make sense making it smaller than 68.

Again this is a registry tweak unless and until you have a tweaking utility that can do it for you.Open

Registry by going to START-RUN and entering REGEDIT and Navigate to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services file://Tcpip//Parameters//Interfaces// ID for Adapter.
For this right click on right pane and add a key by the name MTU. For this key you
can add a DWORD value from 68 to 1500 (or higher value is certain cases). If you put less than 68, it will default to 68. If you put a value higher than 1500 or your Network permitted max, it will default to permitted max.

The MTU (Maximum Transfer Unit) specifies the maximum transmission unit size of an interface, and is usually determined by negotiation at the link layer of the driver.

The upper level protocols normally optimize pack size for each medium.

Following table gives typical values of MTU in bytes:-

Mbps Token
Ring Mbits/Sec
Mbps Token
Ring Mbits/Sec



Windows XP
NT / 2000

warning :

All the Tricks which had shown in this site is just for Teaching and Learning purpose.use all tricks on your personal risk.

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