Monday, December 10, 2007



47. Hate LAN cable is unpluged

Right Click on "Start" Menu
Click "Properties" Tab
Click "Taskbar" Tab
Click "Hide inactive icons" if not Checked
Click on "Customize" Button
Click the Notification item you want to change under Current Items
Select "Always Hide" behaviour under the Behavior column
Click "Ok" and then click "Apply".

48. Not sure of website address and want to try out all possible options ?

Most of the computer users would choose to type less if they are given such an option. Problem is for many of us, to find that option itself is challenging enough! Anyway I am talking to those folks who don't have habit of typing complete domain names and want the computer/Internet to do the job.

Here are some of the registry changes that can widen your search domain.. If in Internet options, Display result and go to most likely site or just go to most likely site is enabled, you can type only the domain root in the Address box and Internet Explorer attempts to locate the correct Web site by searching different domain types.

For example, if you type "Microsoft" in the Address box,Internet Explorer
searches the domain types in the Autoscan list until a domain name match is found (in this case,

By default, Internet Explorer searches the following domain types when the Autoscan Common Root Domains option is, .org, .net, .eduTo add a domain type to the Autoscan search list, add the string value "" with a value of "%s." and a string value "" with a value of "www.%s." (without quotation marks), where is the next available number and is the domain type, under the following

registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main/Url Template
For example, if you want to add the .gov domain type and there are already 7 domain types listed, add a string value "8" with a value of "" and a string value "9" with a value of

NOTE: The order in which Internet Explorer searches domains is based on the string value.For
example, the domain type associated with string value 1 is searched before the domain type
associated with string value 2.

49. Attention LAPTOP Users ! Do your eyes a favor, use Clear Type Fonts.

Hi everyone! May be you have already realized the importance of clear type font by now. A new
feature that must be a boon to all those people who are spending their life staring these monitor

After years of research, it has been noticed that Clear Type Fonts are best way to prolong
you Laptop computer experience. Windows XP comes equipped with it and you can change the
setting to use Clear Type fonts. What is not so simple to do is to even change the Welcome (logon) screen to used Clear Type. I have got hand of a tip that might be of help to you installing clear type fonts at logon screen. Save following to a .reg file and import it in registry.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel\\Desktop]

[HKEY_USERS\\.DEFAULT\\Control Panel\\Desktop]

For those of you who do not know how to use clear type fonts in normal session here are the
instructions: Right click on at any free area of the desktop and go to appearance tab of Display

Click on effects and check the box saying "use following methods to smooth edges of
screen fonts" and select clear type.

50. Fine tune Internet connection speed: Tip on changing QoS parameter.

This tweak deals with QoS parameter manipulation. There have been some confusion as to what can be achieved in real terms by changing the QoS parameter. Microsoft has finally released an article correcting describing the behavior of QoS parameter. In
brief though, this tweak would only work on QoS aware programs and rest of the programs would simply ignore them.

Networking Quality of Service (QoS) refers to a variety of techniques that prioritize one type of traffic or program when these operate across a network connection rather than
relying solely on "best effort" connectivity.

Please click on how to change QoS parameter article using Group Policy Editor (GPEDIT.MSC).By default, programs can reserve up to an aggregate bandwidth of 20 percent of the underlying link speed on each interface on an end computer. If the program that
reserved the bandwidth is not sending enough data to utilize it completely, the unused portion of the reserved bandwidth is available for other data flows on the same host. This default parameter can be changed.

51. Further fine tune Internet access speed: Tip on improving DNS resolution.

Internet browsing is such an exciting and easy experience now a days that we have almost forgotten the amount of work that goes behind the scene to make this all happen. We only feel bad if we can't find something easily or have to wait for a long time (I have heard many people saying WWW stands for world wide wait not too long ago!!!) Well with changes in technology and falling prices we have far better hardware and software to do this job but fruits of fine tuning have always been great and would continue to remain so.

One of the things that should happen before Internet connection would go
through is DNS resolution.DNS stands for Domain Name Service.

Even though XP does a fine job of handling DNS resolution, you may still gain by increase the DNS Cache size. To do this you would have to add following entries in registry.

Save what is written below in say "dnstuning.reg" file and import it in REGISTRY but opening registry editor and going to IMPORT option from top menu.


52. How to use program aliases ?

You can use program aliases to run actual program. Well there are ways to hide actual program

Not sure what's the good use for this tip but here it is anywayIn regedit, navigate to

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft \\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths].

To create a new alias, create a sub-key, and call it the name of the alias you wish to create. Then modify the Default value of the sub-key to equal the fully qualified path and filename of the application you want to be launched.

53. Disable MSN Messenger from loading OE

I thought I had this covered in one of my tips. Actually, I told you indirectly about how to uninstall MSN messenger and also how to stop from loading it at boot time. But recently I saw few mails/posts where people want to keep the MSN messenger , but do not want it to run whenever Outlook Express is executed.

For these folks here are a couple of solution. There is a Microsoft knowledgebase article on this as well. Visit How to Prevent Windows Messenger from Running on a Windows XP-Based Computer (Q302089) and learn more.

In regedit, navigate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software \\Policies \\Microsoft]. Create a new key by the name "Messenger" and then within that another key by the name "Client". This is equivalent to creating and navigation to

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software \\Policies
\\Microsoft\\Messenger\\Client]. Within this create a DWORD key by the name "PreventRun" and set its value to 1. Quit registry and even though not a must, its a good idea to reboot.

One more way of doing the same without sacrificing run time is to go to C:\\Program Files and
rename Messenger directory to something else e.g. MessengerOff. This works as well.
54. Change alignment of Start Menu panel.

This is a customizing tip. If you have noticed, START MENU PANEL has all the entries aligned to left.

Well that's not a cause of concern but may be you are one of those who want it to be the other way, say you want it to align to right. This can be done by a quick registry tweak. In regedit, navigate to

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel \\Desktop] and look for key "MenuDropAlignment". Set its value to 1 to align the menu entry to right or if you did not like the idea of entries aligned to right, set it back to 0 for align back to left which is the Default XP behavior.

55. Customize windows explorer's Default search

This is a customizing tip. If you want to customize your windows explorer search here are some tips.

In regedit, navigate to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer

and look for following keys

Key names are self revealing. If you want a CaseSensitive search set its value to 1 else 0. This is the technique, if you prefer to enable any of the above feature, set its value to 1 else set it back to 0.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Before doing anything with registry, It is very important that you take a backup of registry by exporting it. Remember even a minor mistake in registry could render your system unusable or will cause it to stop or crash. XPTOOLS is not responsible for any such damage that may occur directly or indirectly as a result of your applying these changes. Don't try it if you are not sure. Use at your own risk

warning :

All the Tricks which had shown in this site is just for Teaching and Learning purpose.use all tricks on your personal risk.

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