Groups have a hierarchical organization. At the top of the hierarchy are Primary
Groups. These are the main asset, liability, income or expenditure groups of
accounts that determine the entire accounting and their presentation, i.e.,
whether a ledger affects Profit & Loss Account (as a revenue item) or goes into
the Balance Sheet. The Reserved Primary Groups and subgroups (shown
indented) are: Aliases for the groups are given in square brackets [ ].
Primary Groups of capital nature
1. Capital Account
Reserves and Surplus [Retained Earnings]
2. Current Assets
Bank Accounts
Cash-in hand
Deposits (Asset)
Loans & Advances (Asset)
Sundry Debtors
3. Current Liabilities
Duties and Taxes
Sundry Creditors
4. Fixed Assets
5. Investments
6. Loans (Liability)
Bank OD Accounts [Bank OCC Accounts]
Secured Loans
Unsecured Loans
7. Suspense Account
8. Miscellaneous Expenses (Asset)
9. Branch/Divisions
Revenue Primary Groups
10. Sales Account
11. Purchase Account
12. Direct Income [Income Direct]
13. Indirect Income [Income Indirect]
14. Direct Expenses [Expenses Direct]
15. Indirect Expenses [Expenses Indirect]
1. Capital Account | This holds the Capital and Reserves of the company. Examples of ledgers that may be opened under this group are Share Capital, Partners' Capital A/c, Proprietor's Capital Account. Reserves and Surplus [Retained Earnings] Open ledgers like Capital Reserve, General Reserve, Reserve for Depreciation, etc. |
2. Current Assets | Directly under Current Assets, you may find place for assets that do not fall under the following sub-groups: Bank Accounts - For Current, savings, short term deposit accounts, etc. Cash-in hand - PearlXPautomatically opens one Cash A/c under this group. You are permitted to open more cash accounts, if necessary. Note: An account under Cash-in-hand group or Bank Accounts/Bank OCC A/c group is printed as separate Cash Book in the traditional Cash Book format and does not form part of the Ledger. Deposits (Asset) - In essence, a place for Fixed Deposits, Security Deposits, or any deposit made by the company (not received by the company, which is a liability). Loans & Advances (Asset) - For all loans given by the company and advances of a non-trading nature, e.g., advance against salaries, or even for purchase of Fixed Assets. We do not recommend you to open Advances to Suppliers account under this group. Doing so gives rise to the difficulty in ascertaining advance position of a particular supplier and to adjust future bills against such advances. For further details, please refer to the section on Common Errors. Stock-in-hand - This is a special group. You may wish to open accounts like Raw Materials, Work-in-Progress and Finished Goods. How the balances are controlled depends on whether you opted to maintain an integrated account-cum-inventory system in the company features. (refer to Company creation section for more details) Let's consider the options: Integrated Accounts-cum-Inventory : You are allowed transactions in Inventory records and the account balances are automatically reflected in the Balance Sheet as Closing Stock. You are not allowed to directly change the closing balance of an account under this group. Non-integrated Accounts-cum-Inventory: Accounts that fall under this group are not permitted any transactions. It allows you to hold opening and closing balances only. Since no vouchers can be passed for these accounts, they are the only accounts for which the closing Balances can be directly altered (by an authorized user only) Sundry Debtors- For your customer accounts. Do not open them under the Sales Account group, which is a revenue account. For more information on common and possible errors in grouping of accounts, please refer below to the separate paragraph on the topic. |
3. Current Liabilities | You may open accounts like Outstanding Liabilities, Statutory Liabilities and other minor liabilities directly under this group. Sub-groups under Current Liabilities are Duties and Taxes, Provisions and Sundry Creditors Duties and Taxes For all tax accounts like VAT, MODVAT, Excise, Sales and other trade taxes. A convenient place to find the total liability (or asset in case of advances paid), as well as the break-up of individual items. Provisions- For provision accounts like Provision for Taxation, Provision for Depreciation, etc. Sundry Creditors - For trade creditors of the company. Do not open your supplier accounts under the Purchases Account group, which is a revenue account. For more information on common and possible errors in grouping of accounts, please refer below to the separate paragraph on the topic. |
5. Investments | To group your investment accounts like Investment in Shares, Bonds, Govt. securities, long term Bank deposit accounts, etc. A convenient place to view the total investments made by the company. |
For loans, typically long term, taken by the company. | |
6. Loans (Liability) | Bank OD Accounts [Bank OCC Accounts] - PearlXP gives two distinct types of Bank Accounts, The Bank OCC A/c is meant to record the company's overdraft accounts with banks. e.g., Bill Discounted A/cs, Hypothecation A/cs etc. Note: An account under Bank OCC A/c group is printed as separate Cash Book in the traditional Cash Book format and does not form part of the Ledger. Secured Loans- For term loans and other long/medium term loans that have been obtained against security of some asset. PearlXP does not verify the existence of the security. Typical accounts would be Debentures, Term Loans, etc. Unsecured Loans - For loans obtained without any security. E.g., Loans from Directors/partners or outside parties. |
7. Suspense Account | Theoretically speaking, this group should not exist. However, in modern accounting, many large corporations use a Suspense Ledger to track moneys paid or recovered, the nature of which is not yet known. The most common example is money paid for Traveling Advance whose details would be known only upon submission of the TA bill. Some companies may prefer to open such accounts under Loans and Advances (Asset) group. Please note that Suspense Account is a Balance Sheet item. Any expense account even if it has 'suspense' in its name, should be opened under a Revenue group like Indirect Expenses and not under Suspense Account group. |
8. Miscellaneous Expenses (Asset) | This group is typically used more for legal disclosure requirements, like Schedule VI of the Indian Companies Act. It should hold incorporation and pre-operative expenses. Companies would write off a permissible portion of the account every year. A balance would remain to the extent not written off in Profit & Loss Account. PearlXP does not, however, show a loss, carried forward in the Profit & Loss Account, under this group. The Profit & Loss Account balance is shown separately in the Balance Sheet. |
9. Branch/Divisions | This group is provided to keep the ledger accounts of all companies that are your company's branches, divisions, affiliates, sister concerns, subsidiaries, etc. This is a group of convenience. You may not wish to utilize it in this manner. Note that PearlXP permits Sales and Purchase transactions to take place with accounts opened here. Remember, these are their accounts in your books and not their books of accounts. Just treat them as you would any party account. If you wish to maintain the books of that branch/division on you computer, you must open a separate company. (PearlXP allows maintenance of multiple company accounts). |
Revenue Primary Groups | |
10. Sales Account | - For different sales accounts. The natural segregation of your sales accounts could be based on Tax slabs or type of sales. This also becomes a simple mechanism for preparation of Tax returns. An example of such classification may be helpful: Classify under Sales Accounts the following sub-groups Domestic Sales Export Sales Now under Domestic Sales open the following ledgers: Sales (10%) Sales (5%) Sales (exempt) You may even open an account Sales Returns under the group Domestic Sales to view your net sales after returns (or the returns may be directly passed through journal against the specific sales account). Please do not open customer accounts under this group. For more details on possible errors in this regard, please refer to the paragraph given below. |
11. Purchase Account | This is similar to sales accounts, except for the purpose of the transaction. |
12. Direct Income [Income Direct] | For non-trade income accounts that affect Gross Profit. All trade income accounts would naturally fall under Sales Accounts. You may wish to use this group for accounts like Servicing Contract Charges that follow sales of equipment. If yours is a professional services company, you may not use the Sales Account group at all. Instead, open accounts like Professional Fees under this group. |
13. Indirect Income [Income Indirect] | For miscellaneous non-sale income accounts, e.g., Rent Received and Interest Received. |
14. Direct Expenses [Expenses Direct] | For manufacturing or direct trading expenses. These accounts determine the Gross Profit of the company. |
15. Indirect Expenses [Expenses Indirect] | For all other administrative, selling or non-direct expenses. PearlXP automatically opens the Profit & Loss Account which is a reserved primary account. You may use this account to pass adjustment entries through journal vouchers .e.g., transfer of profit or loss to Capital or Reserve account. |
Simply adhering to the reserved groups may be sufficient for many
organizations. For greater diversity, PearlXP allows you to create your own
groups, either as sub-groups or primary groups. Groups can be sub-classified,
to give a virtual accounting tree. At the lowest level, of course, would be the
ledger account. An example of sub-groups would help illustrate the power of this
facility:-The group Indirect Expenses can be sub-classified as under
(Ledgers given in italics):
Indirect Expenses
Administrative Expenses
Interest Paid
Interest paid to banks
Interest paid to others
Marketing Expenses
Selling and distribution expenses
Packing expenses
Sales Promotion expenses
Advertising expenses
Direct Promotion expenses
Remember, that during voucher entry, only the ledger accounts are used, - and
the grouping structure remains transparent, irrespective of the use of subclassification.
You may create, alter, or display a single Group or multiple
Groups. Single group option is useful when you wish to work on one group at a
time. Multiple is a time and labour saving option in a list format and is useful
when working on many sub-groups at a time. Once a sub-group is created, it
behaves exactly like a group. Any reference to group would deem to include a
Pearl XP Security Control Security levels – types of security
Security Control Security levels – types of security: PearlXP has a
very customizable security system. You can set up authority levels and users
who are placed at these levels. The authority levels or Types of Security decide
the rights of the users – what they can or cannot do when using PearlXP.
PearlXP has two security types already set up. One is Owner and the other Data
Entry. Owner has full access and rights to all parts of PearlXP. Data Entry has
restricted rights. You are allowed to create other security types based on these
predefined types and allow more or less rights as required.
Users and Passwords: You would need to create different users who belong
to one or more different security levels or types of security. Select the option at
the Security control menu to define users, give their passwords and their
security levels. Only the administrator can assign users and their passwords.
Backup and Restore: The Backup and restore process are protected with
Passwords for security. You may also backup to a Hard Disk or Network Disk by
specifying the appropriate path (e.g. C:\BACKUP)
of a company without restoring the data. I.e. you can take or even pass/Alter
entries in the Backup Data without altering the original database. If you are a
professional Accountant /Auditor you can check the backup of your clients at
your office and can make necessary alterations in accounts if needed and can
return the backup data for restoration in the clients computer. (For checking
the database the client has to provide the Backup Key he has given at the time
of taking the backup)
Groups (Classification of Account-heads)
PearlXP follows the 'Single Ledger' concept of accounting, which is the modern
way of managing accounts. This is in direct contrast to Subsidiary Ledger
Accounting. Thus, all financial entries are performed using ledgers or account
heads. Ledger account heads are created to identify transactions. The single
ledger concept does away with the need for sub-ledgers and corresponding
control accounts in General Ledger. Ledger balances by themselves do not
convey much without some form of classification. PearlXP, therefore, gives you
a powerful way to group ledger information, which is meaningful in reports and
compliant with laws. Groups, in PearlXP, serve to both classify and identify
account heads according to their nature and enable presentation of summarized
Traditionally, grouping of accounts is a post-accounting activity that is done only
when reports are needed. This has an inherent drawback of delayed reports thatare not available at hand when required. PearlXP gives you great flexibility in
setting up your chart of accounts. It allows you to group your ledger accounts
right at time of creating your accounts chart. Your reports and statements will
reflect the desired classification at all times. Further, PearlXP permits you to regroup
your ledgers anytime (with some minimal restrictions), should reclassification
be necessary. We acknowledge that re-grouping is always possible
and would, in practice, be resorted to, when there are changes in the nature of
information. However, re-grouping can be done only by a user account that has
requisite authority under the access control list. At the highest level of grouping,
accounts are classified into capital or revenue - more specifically into assets,
liabilities, income and expenditure. Based on mercantile accounting principles,
PearlXP provides a set of reserved groups and allows you to modify their
names or create sub-groups.
very customizable security system. You can set up authority levels and users
who are placed at these levels. The authority levels or Types of Security decide
the rights of the users – what they can or cannot do when using PearlXP.
PearlXP has two security types already set up. One is Owner and the other Data
Entry. Owner has full access and rights to all parts of PearlXP. Data Entry has
restricted rights. You are allowed to create other security types based on these
predefined types and allow more or less rights as required.
Users and Passwords: You would need to create different users who belong
to one or more different security levels or types of security. Select the option at
the Security control menu to define users, give their passwords and their
security levels. Only the administrator can assign users and their passwords.
Backup and Restore: The Backup and restore process are protected with
Passwords for security. You may also backup to a Hard Disk or Network Disk by
specifying the appropriate path (e.g. C:\BACKUP)
Database Lookup: Through this module you can checkup the PearlXP Backup
of a company without restoring the data. I.e. you can take or even pass/Alter
entries in the Backup Data without altering the original database. If you are a
professional Accountant /Auditor you can check the backup of your clients at
your office and can make necessary alterations in accounts if needed and can
return the backup data for restoration in the clients computer. (For checking
the database the client has to provide the Backup Key he has given at the time
of taking the backup)
Groups (Classification of Account-heads)
PearlXP follows the 'Single Ledger' concept of accounting, which is the modern
way of managing accounts. This is in direct contrast to Subsidiary Ledger
Accounting. Thus, all financial entries are performed using ledgers or account
heads. Ledger account heads are created to identify transactions. The single
ledger concept does away with the need for sub-ledgers and corresponding
control accounts in General Ledger. Ledger balances by themselves do not
convey much without some form of classification. PearlXP, therefore, gives you
a powerful way to group ledger information, which is meaningful in reports and
compliant with laws. Groups, in PearlXP, serve to both classify and identify
account heads according to their nature and enable presentation of summarized
Traditionally, grouping of accounts is a post-accounting activity that is done only
when reports are needed. This has an inherent drawback of delayed reports thatare not available at hand when required. PearlXP gives you great flexibility in
setting up your chart of accounts. It allows you to group your ledger accounts
right at time of creating your accounts chart. Your reports and statements will
reflect the desired classification at all times. Further, PearlXP permits you to regroup
your ledgers anytime (with some minimal restrictions), should reclassification
be necessary. We acknowledge that re-grouping is always possible
and would, in practice, be resorted to, when there are changes in the nature of
information. However, re-grouping can be done only by a user account that has
requisite authority under the access control list. At the highest level of grouping,
accounts are classified into capital or revenue - more specifically into assets,
liabilities, income and expenditure. Based on mercantile accounting principles,
PearlXP provides a set of reserved groups and allows you to modify their
names or create sub-groups.
PearlXP Xpress Accounting
Create a company: The very first time you start PearlXP, you would require
to 'create' a company. 'Create Company' simply means giving basic information
about the company whose books of accounts PearlXP is maintain for you.
PearlXP is smart, but it does need an introduction to your company
Firm Name: Give the name of the company whose books are
being opened. It is typically your company. If you are a
professional accountant and are maintaining the books of your
clients, give the Client Company's name.(Of course, you would maintain your firm's books on PearlXP
too! in that case, give your firm's name).
Mailing Name and address (Not compulsory - can be left
blank): The mailing name could be different from Company
Name. What is its use? The mailing name and address is picked
up for inclusion in any report which needs the company name
and address at the top, e.g., Balance Sheets, Statement of
Accounts, etc. You do not need full name and address in each
report; hence the option. Let's say you have branches in say,
Madras, Bombay and London.
Each branch may begin the branch books by giving the company
name as 'Hindustan'. However, its mailing name is
comprehensive with full details:
Hindustan Private Limited
Madras Branch
A-542, ASalai
MGNagar, MADRAS - 600053
The mailing name and address would be available for financialstatements and statements of accounts that may need to be
given outside the company.
Books Starting From (Financial Year): To specify the
Financial Year for this company. PearlXP considers 12 months
from the date you give here as the Financial Year. The books are
closed exactly 12 months after this date. For example, you may
give 1 April 2001 as the date. Your FY will be April to March in
this case, ending with 31st March of every year.
Borrow Books From: At the time of Creating a New Company
you can specify the chart of accounts you need by selecting the
Standard or Typical Chart of Accounts. Pearl also gives an option
to borrow the chart of accounts of an Existing Company if
needed. You can even create a copy of an Existing Company.
Select a company: When the company is created it gets loaded
automatically the first time. However, you must select the company to load
it. (PearlXP can be configured to automatically load one company by default by
checking the 'Set as Default' Setting.)
Alter a company: You can modify, at any time, any information given whilst
creating the company Info Except Financial Year.
Voucher Setup: Configure different features of your voucher entry screen
and Voucher Printing. You can configure numbering of vouchers as Auto or
Manual and can give separate Prefix for Payment, Receipt and Journal Vouchers.
You can also Enable or Disable the Voucher Printing by checking the appropriate
check box.
Print after saving voucher? : If you want to print every
voucher after entering it, select the Print Voucher Option. This issuitable for an online environment where you use the PearlXP
printed voucher as the formal voucher. Remember, however,
that the transaction is already recorded and posted and should
you wish to make corrections to the printed voucher, you must
alter the PearlXP voucher online and print it out again.
Voucher Numbering: Automatic: This method is both flexible
and exhaustive. Use it carefully to give you your desired
numbering system. Select this option to let Pearl XP number the
vouchers automatically for you. You must give the Starting
number: Give the number for the first voucher. Usually it is 1.
You can set it to any number you want.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tally Function Keys
F9 : Inv Rep : Allows you to directly invoke Inventory Reports menu without going back to
the Gateway of Tally screen.
F10:Acc Rep : Allows you to directly invoke Accounting Reports menu without going back to
Gateway of Tally screen.
To get the Closing Stock in the balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Statement, activate
Integrate Accounts & Inventory? Option in F11 : Features.
F12 : Configure : Allows you to configure your Balance Sheet. Fields in the Balance Sheet
Configuration screen are explained as follows :
i. Show Vertical balance Sheet? : All Multi-column reports of the Balance Sheet are
shown in a vertical layout. You can select Y or N as required.
ii. Profit or Loss both as Liability? Select Yes or No.
iii. Show Percentages? : To see the figures in Balance Sheet along with break-up with
respect to Capita A/C.
iv. Show Working Capital Figures? To have working capital in the Balance Sheet of
Current Assets and Current Liabilities.
v. Method of showing Balance Sheet? By default, the Balance Sheet has horizontal
layout with Liabilities on the left side and Assets on the right side. A window, pops-up with
options to change the default settings of the Assets and Liabilities side in the Balance Sheet.
vi. Appearance of Names : A menu pops up with various styles for the display of Name.
vii. Scale Factor for values? For rounding the figures in the Balance Sheet to the nearest
scale factor.
F12: Range : This button is used to display information based on some search condition. You
can combine the search using the operators ‘OR’ and ‘AND’. You get the Range of information
in Report menu, by pressing Alt and F12 keys together or by clicking on this button. Suppose,
you frame a query for displaying Ledgers having Opening Balance as Non-Zero OR Groups
having Total Debit Transactions greater than 50,000. Now, to get a Balance Sheet Satisfying
the above query, proceed as follows:
Step 1: Select the option Ledgers from the Type of Info sub-menu in the Range of
Information in Report menu and press Enter. A sub-menu pops up
Step 2: Select the option Opening Balance from the sub-menu, another sub-menu Range of
Info. Pops-up
Step 3: Select the option as NON-ZERO from the Range of Info. Sub-menu, instantly you
get a Conditional sub-menu
Step 4: Select the Or option in the Condition menu, and press Enter. The Type of Info. Submenu
Step 5: Select the Group option in the Type of Info. Sub-menu. A sub-menu named
Particulars gets displayed on the screen.
Step 6: Select the Total Debit Transaction option in the Particulars pop-up list. Another submenu
Range of Info. Gets displayed.
Step 7: Select the greater than option in the sub-menu.
Step 8: Now type 50000 in the last field.
Step 9: Finally, select End of List option to end the search. You have the Balance Sheet
based on your query.
• F12: Value : You can specify the Vouchers to be used in calculation by selecting this button.
You get the Value to Calculate in Report menu by clicking on this button or by pressing Ctrl
and F12 keys simultaneously.
Now, let us make a Balance Sheet on the following Query.
Calculate balances using Vouchers having date equal to ‘23-04-2001’ OR Billed Quantity greater
than 40,000. To get a Balance Sheet satisfying this Query, proceed as follows:
Step 1: Click on the F12: Value button and select the Date option in the Particulars sub-menu, you
get a screen once you press the Enter key.
Step 2: From the Range of Info. Menu selects the equal to option. You get another sub-menu
displayed on your screen.
Step 3: Type the date 23-04-2001 and press Enter.
A condition sub-menu gets displayed
Step 4: Select the Or option from the condition sub-menu, to combine the search condition. A
particulars sub-menu pops-up.
Step 5: Select the Billed Qty option from the Particulars pop-up list. A range of Info. Sub-menu
gets displayed
Step 6: Select the option greater than from the Range of Info. Sub-menu and type the value as
Step 7: Select the End of List option to end the search. You get the desired Balance Sheet
satisfying the your query.
the Gateway of Tally screen.
F10:Acc Rep : Allows you to directly invoke Accounting Reports menu without going back to
Gateway of Tally screen.
To get the Closing Stock in the balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Statement, activate
Integrate Accounts & Inventory? Option in F11 : Features.
F12 : Configure : Allows you to configure your Balance Sheet. Fields in the Balance Sheet
Configuration screen are explained as follows :
i. Show Vertical balance Sheet? : All Multi-column reports of the Balance Sheet are
shown in a vertical layout. You can select Y or N as required.
ii. Profit or Loss both as Liability? Select Yes or No.
iii. Show Percentages? : To see the figures in Balance Sheet along with break-up with
respect to Capita A/C.
iv. Show Working Capital Figures? To have working capital in the Balance Sheet of
Current Assets and Current Liabilities.
v. Method of showing Balance Sheet? By default, the Balance Sheet has horizontal
layout with Liabilities on the left side and Assets on the right side. A window, pops-up with
options to change the default settings of the Assets and Liabilities side in the Balance Sheet.
vi. Appearance of Names : A menu pops up with various styles for the display of Name.
vii. Scale Factor for values? For rounding the figures in the Balance Sheet to the nearest
scale factor.
F12: Range : This button is used to display information based on some search condition. You
can combine the search using the operators ‘OR’ and ‘AND’. You get the Range of information
in Report menu, by pressing Alt and F12 keys together or by clicking on this button. Suppose,
you frame a query for displaying Ledgers having Opening Balance as Non-Zero OR Groups
having Total Debit Transactions greater than 50,000. Now, to get a Balance Sheet Satisfying
the above query, proceed as follows:
Step 1: Select the option Ledgers from the Type of Info sub-menu in the Range of
Information in Report menu and press Enter. A sub-menu pops up
Step 2: Select the option Opening Balance from the sub-menu, another sub-menu Range of
Info. Pops-up
Step 3: Select the option as NON-ZERO from the Range of Info. Sub-menu, instantly you
get a Conditional sub-menu
Step 4: Select the Or option in the Condition menu, and press Enter. The Type of Info. Submenu
Step 5: Select the Group option in the Type of Info. Sub-menu. A sub-menu named
Particulars gets displayed on the screen.
Step 6: Select the Total Debit Transaction option in the Particulars pop-up list. Another submenu
Range of Info. Gets displayed.
Step 7: Select the greater than option in the sub-menu.
Step 8: Now type 50000 in the last field.
Step 9: Finally, select End of List option to end the search. You have the Balance Sheet
based on your query.
• F12: Value : You can specify the Vouchers to be used in calculation by selecting this button.
You get the Value to Calculate in Report menu by clicking on this button or by pressing Ctrl
and F12 keys simultaneously.
Now, let us make a Balance Sheet on the following Query.
Calculate balances using Vouchers having date equal to ‘23-04-2001’ OR Billed Quantity greater
than 40,000. To get a Balance Sheet satisfying this Query, proceed as follows:
Step 1: Click on the F12: Value button and select the Date option in the Particulars sub-menu, you
get a screen once you press the Enter key.
Step 2: From the Range of Info. Menu selects the equal to option. You get another sub-menu
displayed on your screen.
Step 3: Type the date 23-04-2001 and press Enter.
A condition sub-menu gets displayed
Step 4: Select the Or option from the condition sub-menu, to combine the search condition. A
particulars sub-menu pops-up.
Step 5: Select the Billed Qty option from the Particulars pop-up list. A range of Info. Sub-menu
gets displayed
Step 6: Select the option greater than from the Range of Info. Sub-menu and type the value as
Step 7: Select the End of List option to end the search. You get the desired Balance Sheet
satisfying the your query.
Tally Function Keys for Vouchers
You can mark Vouchers as Post-dated while entering them. Tally will include the post-dated
vouchers only on the due date. The Post-Dated button on the Button Panel toggles between Post-dated
and Current options. Suppose you pay installments for and item in the last week of every month. You
can set-up the payments in advance, which will be included in the books, by marking them regular on
the due date.
Purchase Order
A Purchase Order can be easily generated by Tally and the same can be directly sent to the Supplier.
The Order position can be seen in the Stock Summary. The Purchase Order Book lists all the
Purchase Orders placed and the Sales Order Book lists all the Sales Orders received.
Balance Sheet
It is a statement of Assets and Liabilities. You can view the Balance Sheet by pressing the alphabet B
on the Gateway of Tally screen:
Gateway of TallyBalance Sheet
Configuring Balance Sheet
You can even change the configuration of the Balance Sheet by using the buttons on the Button
Panel. The buttons are discussed below:
F1:Detailed : To have the Closing Balance of the Sub-Groups or Leders under each Primary
Group. This gives you the break-up of the Grouped figures in the Balance Sheet. This button
toggles between F1:Detailed and F1:Condensed.
F7:Valuation : To change the Valuation method for Closing Stock. This button will be enabled
only if you have activated the option Integrate Accounts & Inventory? In F11: Features menu.
New Column : It allows you to add new columns to the Balance Sheet of the active
Company. You can get the Balance Sheet of another active Company or the same Company
for different periods in this new column.
• Alter Column : To alter the details (Period, Stock Valuation Method, etc.),place the cursor in
the column to be altered and press the Alt and A keys together or click on this button.
• Del Column : To delete the columns added to the Balance Sheet, just place the cursor in the
column to be deleted and press the Alt and D keys together or click on this button.
• Auto Column : This button allows you to add multiple columns to the Balance Sheet. The
New Column button allows you to add only one column at a time, but this button allows you
to add as many columns as you wish in one go. When you click on this button, a sub-menu of
Column details pops-up prompting you to specify the required details.
The various options given in the Column Details sub-menu are described as follows:
i. Company : This option is very helpful for comparative analysis of all the active
companies. It gives you their Balance Sheet’s in different columns.
ii. Daily : To get the Balance Sheet on a daily basis.
iii. Half Yearly : To get the Balance Sheet on a half yearly basis.
iv. Month-wise : To get the Balance Sheet for every month.
v. Quarterly : To get the Balance Sheet quarterly.
vi. Weekly : To get the Balance Sheet weekly.
vii. Yearly : To get the Balance Sheet yearly.
vouchers only on the due date. The Post-Dated button on the Button Panel toggles between Post-dated
and Current options. Suppose you pay installments for and item in the last week of every month. You
can set-up the payments in advance, which will be included in the books, by marking them regular on
the due date.
Purchase Order
A Purchase Order can be easily generated by Tally and the same can be directly sent to the Supplier.
The Order position can be seen in the Stock Summary. The Purchase Order Book lists all the
Purchase Orders placed and the Sales Order Book lists all the Sales Orders received.
Balance Sheet
It is a statement of Assets and Liabilities. You can view the Balance Sheet by pressing the alphabet B
on the Gateway of Tally screen:
Gateway of TallyBalance Sheet
Configuring Balance Sheet
You can even change the configuration of the Balance Sheet by using the buttons on the Button
Panel. The buttons are discussed below:
F1:Detailed : To have the Closing Balance of the Sub-Groups or Leders under each Primary
Group. This gives you the break-up of the Grouped figures in the Balance Sheet. This button
toggles between F1:Detailed and F1:Condensed.
F7:Valuation : To change the Valuation method for Closing Stock. This button will be enabled
only if you have activated the option Integrate Accounts & Inventory? In F11: Features menu.
New Column : It allows you to add new columns to the Balance Sheet of the active
Company. You can get the Balance Sheet of another active Company or the same Company
for different periods in this new column.
• Alter Column : To alter the details (Period, Stock Valuation Method, etc.),place the cursor in
the column to be altered and press the Alt and A keys together or click on this button.
• Del Column : To delete the columns added to the Balance Sheet, just place the cursor in the
column to be deleted and press the Alt and D keys together or click on this button.
• Auto Column : This button allows you to add multiple columns to the Balance Sheet. The
New Column button allows you to add only one column at a time, but this button allows you
to add as many columns as you wish in one go. When you click on this button, a sub-menu of
Column details pops-up prompting you to specify the required details.
The various options given in the Column Details sub-menu are described as follows:
i. Company : This option is very helpful for comparative analysis of all the active
companies. It gives you their Balance Sheet’s in different columns.
ii. Daily : To get the Balance Sheet on a daily basis.
iii. Half Yearly : To get the Balance Sheet on a half yearly basis.
iv. Month-wise : To get the Balance Sheet for every month.
v. Quarterly : To get the Balance Sheet quarterly.
vi. Weekly : To get the Balance Sheet weekly.
vii. Yearly : To get the Balance Sheet yearly.
Tally Accounting Ledgers
Ledgers are the actual account heads to which a transaction is identified. Ledgers are very important
for Voucher entries. In Tally, Ledgers are allocated to within Groups for better control of the
As you create a Company, two Ledger Accounts Cash and Profit and Loss A/c are created by default.
You cannot create another Profit and Loss A/c but any number of Cash accounts may be created.
Note :--
• Only the authorized users can alter Ledgers.
• One can not alter :
o Parent of Ledger under the Group Cash-in-hand or Bank Account if there are entries in
that account.
o Parent of a Ledger under Purchase or Sales Account or Sundry Debtors or Creditors if
there are entries in these accounts.
o Closing Balance of a Ledger Account. But this can be altered for account under the Group
Cost Categories and Cost Centres
It is a unit of an organization to which transactions (usually revenue) are allocated. We can have the
details of all the transactions from a Centre. The ledger account shows only the nature of a
transaction, it does not give any idea of the unit or organization involved though one may have some
idea about it from Narration. The centers are of the following two types:
Cost Centre: When only costs or expenses are allocated to these centers then they are termed as Cost
Profit Centre: When income is also allocated to these centres, then they are termed as Profit Centres.
Cost Categories : It allows allocation of a transaction to several sets of Cost Centres (parallel
Note : -- The concept of Cost Centres and Cost Categories is similar to Ledgers and Groups
respectively. By default Tally maintains a Cost Category as ‘Primary’.
Vouchers In Tally
A voucher is the basic recording document. Vouchers are used for recording day-to-day transactions.
Tally has several Pre-Defined Vouchers with different formats, for different types of transactions.
You have the facility to even modify the existing formats as per your need. Vouchers can be created
only in Single mode.
Pre-Defined Vouchers
Contra Voucher : This Voucher is used for fund transfer between Cash and Bank accounts only.
Like Fund transfer from one Bank / Cash account, to another Bank / Cash account cash deposits /
withdrawals into / from Bank. Follow the steps to get this voucher displayed on your desktop:
Gateway of Tally Voucher Entry Click on the F4 : Contra button on the Button Panel to have
the Contra Voucher creation screen.
We have following three types of Vouchers for purchase.
1. Purchase Voucher : This Voucher records all entries relates to purchases. If inventory values are
affected for purchase accounts in case of Acct-with-Inventory companies, item details must be
given. Perform the following steps to have this Voucher on your desktop:
Gateway of TallyVoucher Entry Click on the F9: Purchase button on the Button. Panel to
get the Purchase Voucher creation screen.This voucher is used to place purchase orders of the
goods to the suppliers. This voucher is for outward return of rejected goods. The rejected goods
are sent back to the supplier.
For sales, we have following types of Vouchers.
1. Sales Voucher : This voucher records all entries related to sales. You need to enter the item
details if inventory value gets affected due to sales. It is very useful when sale entry is not made
through Invoice. Perform the following steps to have this Voucher on your desktop:
Gateway of TallyVoucher EntryClick on the F8 : Sales button on the Bottom panel to get
the Sales Voucher creation screen. This voucher is used for recording orders for supply of goods
or services. It is used for making customer’s Invoices. This is return inward of the sold goods by
the customers.
Payment Voucher
This voucher records all the payments made through Bank and Cash. Perform the following steps to
have Payment Voucher creation screen:
Gateway of TallyVoucher EntryClick on the F5: Payment button present on the Button Panel
to have the Payment Voucher Creation screen.
Receipt Voucher
The purpose of this voucher is to record all receipts into bank or cash accounts. Perform the following
steps to have Receipt Voucher creation screen:
Gateway of TallyVoucher EntryClick on the F6:Receipt button on the Button Panel to have
the Receipt Voucher Creation screen.
Journal Voucher
These are for rectification / adjustment entries.
Invoke the Voucher Features screen by clicking on the F11:Features button on the Button Panel. In
the Voucher Features screen, activate the field Use Debit / Credit Notes? By typing Yes for it.
Journal Vouchers are of three types:
i. Journal
ii. Credit Note Voucher
iii. Debit Note Voucher
i. Journal : It is for adjustments between any two ledgers. No outside parties, like Debtor,
Creditor, Branches / Division are involved. Perform the following steps to have this Voucher on
your desktop:
Gateway of TallyVoucher EntryClick on F7:Journal button on Button Panel. A menu
with three options Journal, Credit Note and Debit Note, pops-up. Select Jounal option by
highlighting it and pressing the Enter key.
ii. Credit Note Voucher : This note is useful in case of return of a part of goods by the
customer due to incorrect supply or due to overcharging. Perform the following steps to have this
Voucher creation screen:
Gateway of Tally Voucher Entry Click on the F7:Journal button on the Button Panel. A
menu with three options Journal, Credit Note and Debit Note pops up. Select Credit note option
by highlighting it and pressing thee Enter key.
iii. Debit Note Voucher : This note is raised in case of Return Outward (Purchase Return) of
damaged goods to the supplier or in case of under-charging a customer.
Memo Voucher
As the name implies, it is a Non-Accounting voucher whose entries do not affect your accounts at all.
The entries in this voucher are not posted into ledgers, instead they are stored in a separate Memo
Register. A Memo Voucher can be converted into a regular voucher, for inclusion in your books of
accounts. Perform the following steps to have this Voucher creation screen on your desktop:
Gateway of TallyVoucher EntryClick on the F10:Memos button on the Button Panel.
The Memo Vouchers are of two types:
i. Memorandum Voucher: This type of memo Voucher can be used in many situations such
a. Suspense Payments: Suppose an employee takes an advance for his traveling
expenses. Until and unless the expenses are incurred, the actual expenditure details
cannot be worked out. A Memo Voucher can be entered for advance and can be
entered for advance and can be turned to Payment Voucher after receiving the details
of the expenditure incurred.
b. Vouchers are not verified at the time of entry : At times, you may not understand the
details in a Voucher. You can enter a Memo Voucher under such conditions, which
can be amended after receiving the details.
c. Items given on approval : Memo Vouchers can be entered for items, which are
approved. This Voucher may be amended into a proper Sales Voucher depending upon
the outcome.
d. Reminder service: Memo Vouchers may be entered for future transactions, such as
Dates of Insurance Premiums, Tax due, Installment Payments, Post-Dated cheques.
Tally may be set to remind you a date before the due date of these transactions.
for Voucher entries. In Tally, Ledgers are allocated to within Groups for better control of the
As you create a Company, two Ledger Accounts Cash and Profit and Loss A/c are created by default.
You cannot create another Profit and Loss A/c but any number of Cash accounts may be created.
Note :--
• Only the authorized users can alter Ledgers.
• One can not alter :
o Parent of Ledger under the Group Cash-in-hand or Bank Account if there are entries in
that account.
o Parent of a Ledger under Purchase or Sales Account or Sundry Debtors or Creditors if
there are entries in these accounts.
o Closing Balance of a Ledger Account. But this can be altered for account under the Group
Cost Categories and Cost Centres
It is a unit of an organization to which transactions (usually revenue) are allocated. We can have the
details of all the transactions from a Centre. The ledger account shows only the nature of a
transaction, it does not give any idea of the unit or organization involved though one may have some
idea about it from Narration. The centers are of the following two types:
Cost Centre: When only costs or expenses are allocated to these centers then they are termed as Cost
Profit Centre: When income is also allocated to these centres, then they are termed as Profit Centres.
Cost Categories : It allows allocation of a transaction to several sets of Cost Centres (parallel
Note : -- The concept of Cost Centres and Cost Categories is similar to Ledgers and Groups
respectively. By default Tally maintains a Cost Category as ‘Primary’.
Vouchers In Tally
A voucher is the basic recording document. Vouchers are used for recording day-to-day transactions.
Tally has several Pre-Defined Vouchers with different formats, for different types of transactions.
You have the facility to even modify the existing formats as per your need. Vouchers can be created
only in Single mode.
Pre-Defined Vouchers
Contra Voucher : This Voucher is used for fund transfer between Cash and Bank accounts only.
Like Fund transfer from one Bank / Cash account, to another Bank / Cash account cash deposits /
withdrawals into / from Bank. Follow the steps to get this voucher displayed on your desktop:
Gateway of Tally Voucher Entry Click on the F4 : Contra button on the Button Panel to have
the Contra Voucher creation screen.
We have following three types of Vouchers for purchase.
1. Purchase Voucher : This Voucher records all entries relates to purchases. If inventory values are
affected for purchase accounts in case of Acct-with-Inventory companies, item details must be
given. Perform the following steps to have this Voucher on your desktop:
Gateway of TallyVoucher Entry Click on the F9: Purchase button on the Button. Panel to
get the Purchase Voucher creation screen.This voucher is used to place purchase orders of the
goods to the suppliers. This voucher is for outward return of rejected goods. The rejected goods
are sent back to the supplier.
For sales, we have following types of Vouchers.
1. Sales Voucher : This voucher records all entries related to sales. You need to enter the item
details if inventory value gets affected due to sales. It is very useful when sale entry is not made
through Invoice. Perform the following steps to have this Voucher on your desktop:
Gateway of TallyVoucher EntryClick on the F8 : Sales button on the Bottom panel to get
the Sales Voucher creation screen. This voucher is used for recording orders for supply of goods
or services. It is used for making customer’s Invoices. This is return inward of the sold goods by
the customers.
Payment Voucher
This voucher records all the payments made through Bank and Cash. Perform the following steps to
have Payment Voucher creation screen:
Gateway of TallyVoucher EntryClick on the F5: Payment button present on the Button Panel
to have the Payment Voucher Creation screen.
Receipt Voucher
The purpose of this voucher is to record all receipts into bank or cash accounts. Perform the following
steps to have Receipt Voucher creation screen:
Gateway of TallyVoucher EntryClick on the F6:Receipt button on the Button Panel to have
the Receipt Voucher Creation screen.
Journal Voucher
These are for rectification / adjustment entries.
Invoke the Voucher Features screen by clicking on the F11:Features button on the Button Panel. In
the Voucher Features screen, activate the field Use Debit / Credit Notes? By typing Yes for it.
Journal Vouchers are of three types:
i. Journal
ii. Credit Note Voucher
iii. Debit Note Voucher
i. Journal : It is for adjustments between any two ledgers. No outside parties, like Debtor,
Creditor, Branches / Division are involved. Perform the following steps to have this Voucher on
your desktop:
Gateway of TallyVoucher EntryClick on F7:Journal button on Button Panel. A menu
with three options Journal, Credit Note and Debit Note, pops-up. Select Jounal option by
highlighting it and pressing the Enter key.
ii. Credit Note Voucher : This note is useful in case of return of a part of goods by the
customer due to incorrect supply or due to overcharging. Perform the following steps to have this
Voucher creation screen:
Gateway of Tally Voucher Entry Click on the F7:Journal button on the Button Panel. A
menu with three options Journal, Credit Note and Debit Note pops up. Select Credit note option
by highlighting it and pressing thee Enter key.
iii. Debit Note Voucher : This note is raised in case of Return Outward (Purchase Return) of
damaged goods to the supplier or in case of under-charging a customer.
Memo Voucher
As the name implies, it is a Non-Accounting voucher whose entries do not affect your accounts at all.
The entries in this voucher are not posted into ledgers, instead they are stored in a separate Memo
Register. A Memo Voucher can be converted into a regular voucher, for inclusion in your books of
accounts. Perform the following steps to have this Voucher creation screen on your desktop:
Gateway of TallyVoucher EntryClick on the F10:Memos button on the Button Panel.
The Memo Vouchers are of two types:
i. Memorandum Voucher: This type of memo Voucher can be used in many situations such
a. Suspense Payments: Suppose an employee takes an advance for his traveling
expenses. Until and unless the expenses are incurred, the actual expenditure details
cannot be worked out. A Memo Voucher can be entered for advance and can be
entered for advance and can be turned to Payment Voucher after receiving the details
of the expenditure incurred.
b. Vouchers are not verified at the time of entry : At times, you may not understand the
details in a Voucher. You can enter a Memo Voucher under such conditions, which
can be amended after receiving the details.
c. Items given on approval : Memo Vouchers can be entered for items, which are
approved. This Voucher may be amended into a proper Sales Voucher depending upon
the outcome.
d. Reminder service: Memo Vouchers may be entered for future transactions, such as
Dates of Insurance Premiums, Tax due, Installment Payments, Post-Dated cheques.
Tally may be set to remind you a date before the due date of these transactions.
Groups in Tally
In the modern way of accounting, all financial entries are performed using Leders or account heads.
Tally follows the ‘Single Ledger’ concept of accounting. It is advisable to Group / Classify ledger
information based on their functions. Groups are helpful in classifying and identifying account heads
based on their nature. Grouping helps in presenting summarized information. Regrouping of accounts
is also permitted by Tally. The single ledger concept eliminates the need for sub ledgers and
corresponding control accounts in General Ledger. Traditionally, grouping of accounts is a postaccounting
activity, but it leads to delayed reports that are not available at hand when required. At the
highest level of grouping, accounts are classified into Assets, Liabilities, Income and Expenses.
Groups by Default (Pre-defined Groups) : Tally provides you with a number of pre-defined
Groups to save you from unnecessary burden of creating frequently used Groups. In these Groups,
some are Primary and some are Subgroups. Subgroup is a part of the main group.
Alias names for the Groups are shown inside a square bracket.
Detailed Description of Pre-Defined Groups
Alias names for the Groups are shown inside a square bracket.
Detailed Description of Pre-Defined Groups
1) Capital Assets It holds Capital and Reserves of the company. For example, Proprietor’s or
Owner’s Capital Account, Partners Capital Account, Share Capital.
a) Reserves and Surplus [Retained Earnings] : Related to Reserves. Retained Earnings is the
alias name for Reserves and Surplus, e.g. Capital Reserve, General Reserve, Reserve for
2) Current Assets : It consists of 6 subgroups. If all the assets of the company could not be
allocated in any of these subgroups then the primary group ‘Current Assets’ can accommodate it.
a) Bank Accounts : It holds Current Savings, Short-Term Deposits, etc.
b) Cash-in-Hand : This holds Ledger Account for Cash. More than one Cash Account can be
opened if needed, e.g. Petty Cash A/c.
c) Deposits (Asset) : It holds deposits like Fixed Deposits, Rental Deposits, Security Deposits,
etc. that is the deposits made by the Company (not received).
d) Loans & Advances (Assets) : It is for holding loans given by the company which are nontrading
in nature, e.g. Salary Advance, Advance for Purchase of Fixed Assets, etc.
e) Stock-in-Hand : It holds Opening and Closing Stock. It is a special Group. The balances
depend on the type of Inventory Management option selected while creating a company, e.g.
Raw Materials A/c, Work-in-Progress, Finished Goods, etc.
i) Integrated Accounts-cum-Inventory : Transactions in Inventory records are permitted
and the corresponding changes are reflected in the Balance Sheet as Closing Stock. You
just can not alter the Closing Stock balance directly.
ii) Non-integrated Accounts-cum-Inventory : No transaction permitted. It holds only the
Opening and Closing balances. The authorized users can directly alter closing balances as
no Vouchers can be passed for these accounts.
f) Sundry Debtors : It holds the accounts of the debtors, who owe money to the business.
3) Current Liabilities : It holds the Outstanding Liabilities, Statutory Liabilities and some other
minor liabilities. Liabilities such as PF, TDS, ESI also fall under this Group.
a) Duties and Taxes : it holds the accounts of trade duties, Excise, Local Sales Tax, Central
Sales Tax.
b) Provisions : This acts as a reserve like Provision for Depreciation, Provision for Taxation,
c) Sundry Creditors : It holds the account of the trade Creditors of the Company.
[One should not open the Supplier Account under Purchase Account Group, as Purchase A/c is a
Revenue A/c.]
4) Fixed Assets : It is a convenient place for holding the Fixed Assets of the company.
5) Investments : It holds the accounts of overall investments, like Bonds, Shares, Govt., Securities,
Long-Term Bank Deposits, etc.
6) Loans (Liability) : It keeps an account of the Loans taken by the Company.
a) Bank OD Accounts [Bank OCC Accounts] : Bank OCC is the alias name for Bank OD
Accounts. It holds Over Draft Account like Hypothecation Accounts, Bill Discounting
Account, etc. of the Bank.
b) Secured Loans : It holds the accounts of the loans taken by the company from Banks and
other Financial Bodies by mortgaging its Fixed Assets. It is a secured loan so it has to be
returned from the fixed asset of the company even if the company fails.
c) Unsecured Loans : This is an unconditional loan obtained from Partners / Directors or
outside parties.
7) Suspense Account :As the name implies, it is created when there is some discrepancy in the
Balance Sheet. It is a Balance Sheet item, e.g. Travelling Advance whose details will be known
only after the submission of TA bill.
8) Miscellaneous Expenses (Asset) : This is mainly for legal disclosure requirements, like
Schedule VI of Indian Companies Act. It is rarely used.
9) Branch / Divisions : It holds the accounts of all the Sister Concerns, Branches, Divisions,
Affiliation, etc. of the existing company.
10) Sales Account : It holds the different Sales Accounts. The Sales Account can be categorized as
Types of Sale (Domestic Sales, Export Sales) and the Tax slabs. To have an idea of net sales after
return, one can even open an account Sales Return under the Group Domestic Sales. [don’t open
Customers account under the Group Sales Account.]
11) Purchase Account : It holds the accounts related to purchase.
12) Direct Income [Income Direct] : It holds the account of the direct income like income due to
sales of goods. A Professional Service Company may like to open an account as Professional Fees
instead of Sales Account, under this Group.
13) Indirect Income [Income Indirect] : It holds the accounts of non-sale indirect income, like
income from Rent Received, Commissions Received, Interest Received, etc.
14) Direct Expenses [Expenses Direct] : It holds the direct trading expenses of the factory, like
Wages paid to Labours, Transportation, Electricity Bill.
15) Indirect Expenses [Expenses Indirect] : Expenses incurred in the administrative building, like
Salary paid to Staff, Maintenance of Vehicle, etc.
Tally automatically opens the Profit & Loss Account which is a reserved primary account. You may
use this account to pass adjustment entries through journal vouchers, e.g. transfer of profit or loss to
Capital or Reserve account.
In the modern way of accounting, all financial entries are performed using Leders or account heads.
Tally follows the ‘Single Ledger’ concept of accounting. It is advisable to Group / Classify ledger
information based on their functions. Groups are helpful in classifying and identifying account heads
based on their nature. Grouping helps in presenting summarized information. Regrouping of accounts
is also permitted by Tally. The single ledger concept eliminates the need for sub ledgers and
corresponding control accounts in General Ledger. Traditionally, grouping of accounts is a postaccounting
activity, but it leads to delayed reports that are not available at hand when required. At the
highest level of grouping, accounts are classified into Assets, Liabilities, Income and Expenses.
Groups by Default (Pre-defined Groups) : Tally provides you with a number of pre-defined
Groups to save you from unnecessary burden of creating frequently used Groups. In these Groups,
some are Primary and some are Subgroups. Subgroup is a part of the main group.
Predefined Groups
Predefined Groups
Alias names for the Groups are shown inside a square bracket.
Detailed Description of Pre-Defined Groups
Capital in Nature | Revenue in Nature |
1. Capital Account | 1 Sales Account |
i. Reserves and Surplus [Retained Earnings] | 2 Purchase Account |
a. Bank Accounts | |
b. Cash-in hand | |
c. Deposits (Asset) | |
d. Loans & Advances (Assets) | |
e. Stock-in-hand | |
f. Sundry Debtors | |
3 Current Liabilities | 3 Income Direct |
a. Duties and Taxes | |
b. Provisions | |
c. Sundry Creditors | |
4 Fixed Assets | 4 Indirect Income[ Income Indirect] |
5 Investments | 5 Direct Expenses[ Expenses Direct] |
6 Loans (Liability) | 6 Indirect Expenses [Expenses Indirect] |
a. Bank OD Accounts [Bank OCC Accounts] | |
b. Secured Loans | |
c. Unsecured Loans | |
7 Suspense Account | |
8 Miscellaneous Expenses (Asset) | |
9 Branch / Divisions |
Detailed Description of Pre-Defined Groups
1) Capital Assets It holds Capital and Reserves of the company. For example, Proprietor’s or
Owner’s Capital Account, Partners Capital Account, Share Capital.
a) Reserves and Surplus [Retained Earnings] : Related to Reserves. Retained Earnings is the
alias name for Reserves and Surplus, e.g. Capital Reserve, General Reserve, Reserve for
2) Current Assets : It consists of 6 subgroups. If all the assets of the company could not be
allocated in any of these subgroups then the primary group ‘Current Assets’ can accommodate it.
a) Bank Accounts : It holds Current Savings, Short-Term Deposits, etc.
b) Cash-in-Hand : This holds Ledger Account for Cash. More than one Cash Account can be
opened if needed, e.g. Petty Cash A/c.
c) Deposits (Asset) : It holds deposits like Fixed Deposits, Rental Deposits, Security Deposits,
etc. that is the deposits made by the Company (not received).
d) Loans & Advances (Assets) : It is for holding loans given by the company which are nontrading
in nature, e.g. Salary Advance, Advance for Purchase of Fixed Assets, etc.
e) Stock-in-Hand : It holds Opening and Closing Stock. It is a special Group. The balances
depend on the type of Inventory Management option selected while creating a company, e.g.
Raw Materials A/c, Work-in-Progress, Finished Goods, etc.
i) Integrated Accounts-cum-Inventory : Transactions in Inventory records are permitted
and the corresponding changes are reflected in the Balance Sheet as Closing Stock. You
just can not alter the Closing Stock balance directly.
ii) Non-integrated Accounts-cum-Inventory : No transaction permitted. It holds only the
Opening and Closing balances. The authorized users can directly alter closing balances as
no Vouchers can be passed for these accounts.
f) Sundry Debtors : It holds the accounts of the debtors, who owe money to the business.
3) Current Liabilities : It holds the Outstanding Liabilities, Statutory Liabilities and some other
minor liabilities. Liabilities such as PF, TDS, ESI also fall under this Group.
a) Duties and Taxes : it holds the accounts of trade duties, Excise, Local Sales Tax, Central
Sales Tax.
b) Provisions : This acts as a reserve like Provision for Depreciation, Provision for Taxation,
c) Sundry Creditors : It holds the account of the trade Creditors of the Company.
[One should not open the Supplier Account under Purchase Account Group, as Purchase A/c is a
Revenue A/c.]
4) Fixed Assets : It is a convenient place for holding the Fixed Assets of the company.
5) Investments : It holds the accounts of overall investments, like Bonds, Shares, Govt., Securities,
Long-Term Bank Deposits, etc.
6) Loans (Liability) : It keeps an account of the Loans taken by the Company.
a) Bank OD Accounts [Bank OCC Accounts] : Bank OCC is the alias name for Bank OD
Accounts. It holds Over Draft Account like Hypothecation Accounts, Bill Discounting
Account, etc. of the Bank.
b) Secured Loans : It holds the accounts of the loans taken by the company from Banks and
other Financial Bodies by mortgaging its Fixed Assets. It is a secured loan so it has to be
returned from the fixed asset of the company even if the company fails.
c) Unsecured Loans : This is an unconditional loan obtained from Partners / Directors or
outside parties.
7) Suspense Account :As the name implies, it is created when there is some discrepancy in the
Balance Sheet. It is a Balance Sheet item, e.g. Travelling Advance whose details will be known
only after the submission of TA bill.
8) Miscellaneous Expenses (Asset) : This is mainly for legal disclosure requirements, like
Schedule VI of Indian Companies Act. It is rarely used.
9) Branch / Divisions : It holds the accounts of all the Sister Concerns, Branches, Divisions,
Affiliation, etc. of the existing company.
10) Sales Account : It holds the different Sales Accounts. The Sales Account can be categorized as
Types of Sale (Domestic Sales, Export Sales) and the Tax slabs. To have an idea of net sales after
return, one can even open an account Sales Return under the Group Domestic Sales. [don’t open
Customers account under the Group Sales Account.]
11) Purchase Account : It holds the accounts related to purchase.
12) Direct Income [Income Direct] : It holds the account of the direct income like income due to
sales of goods. A Professional Service Company may like to open an account as Professional Fees
instead of Sales Account, under this Group.
13) Indirect Income [Income Indirect] : It holds the accounts of non-sale indirect income, like
income from Rent Received, Commissions Received, Interest Received, etc.
14) Direct Expenses [Expenses Direct] : It holds the direct trading expenses of the factory, like
Wages paid to Labours, Transportation, Electricity Bill.
15) Indirect Expenses [Expenses Indirect] : Expenses incurred in the administrative building, like
Salary paid to Staff, Maintenance of Vehicle, etc.
Tally automatically opens the Profit & Loss Account which is a reserved primary account. You may
use this account to pass adjustment entries through journal vouchers, e.g. transfer of profit or loss to
Capital or Reserve account.
Opening Screen of Tally
The opening screen of Tally is shown in Figure below. It contains the following components:
1. The top bar of the screen contains the product message and version, system date and time.
2. The middle bar of the screen is basically divided into two sections:
a) Left Hand Side: This portion contains the following information:
• Current company: It gives the information of the Companies that are already loaded or
• Current period: It is the Financial Year of the currently loaded company.
• List of selected companies: Displays all the active Companies. The currently selected
company will be in bold letters
• Date of last entry Displays last voucher entry date.
Right hand side displays the pop-up menu, from where the instructions to Tally are given.
Button Panel: the buttons on the panel help you perform various functions. These buttons can be
selected simply by clicking on them. The functions of these buttons are discussed later.
Direct Command: Press Ctrl and N keys simultaneously or click on this area to activate it. Even if
the mouse does not work, you can type commands in plain English in this area and execute them.
Note on the Buttons on the Button Panel
The underlined and non-underlined buttons work differently. You will have to press Alt key and the
corresponding Function key simultaneously if an option is underlined. You can even invoke a button
just by placing the mouse-pointer on it and clicking the left mouse-button.
Accounts Configuration
Features and Configuration
We notice the buttons F11 & F12 in almost every screen, which permits to activate / de-activate
Tally controls operational Features through F11: Features button and allows to configure settings
through F12: Configure button.
F11: Features button appear almost in every screen upon selecting a company. You get same option
irrespective of screen where you launch it. Features settings are Company specific. You can activate
an option for one company and de-activate the same for another company. F12 : Configure is contextsensitive.
You get different options on launching this button at different screens. Configuration option
relevant to the specific screen would appear. The settings you make through
F12:Configure is global (and not company specific), change made becomes effective for all the
companies you work with Tally.
Note :Some features like multi-currency and multi-locations, once enabled and used, cannot be
modified. the two features. Cost centers and Bill-wise details – must be activated in features screen to
be available for ledger accounts. Feature changes (F11:Features)affect only the current company but
configuration changes (F12: Configure) affect all the open companies.
Opening Screen of Tally
The opening screen of Tally is shown in Figure below. It contains the following components:
1. The top bar of the screen contains the product message and version, system date and time.
2. The middle bar of the screen is basically divided into two sections:
a) Left Hand Side: This portion contains the following information:
• Current company: It gives the information of the Companies that are already loaded or
• Current period: It is the Financial Year of the currently loaded company.
• List of selected companies: Displays all the active Companies. The currently selected
company will be in bold letters
• Date of last entry Displays last voucher entry date.
Right hand side displays the pop-up menu, from where the instructions to Tally are given.
Button Panel: the buttons on the panel help you perform various functions. These buttons can be
selected simply by clicking on them. The functions of these buttons are discussed later.
Direct Command: Press Ctrl and N keys simultaneously or click on this area to activate it. Even if
the mouse does not work, you can type commands in plain English in this area and execute them.
Note on the Buttons on the Button Panel
The underlined and non-underlined buttons work differently. You will have to press Alt key and the
corresponding Function key simultaneously if an option is underlined. You can even invoke a button
just by placing the mouse-pointer on it and clicking the left mouse-button.
Accounts Configuration
Features and Configuration
We notice the buttons F11 & F12 in almost every screen, which permits to activate / de-activate
Tally controls operational Features through F11: Features button and allows to configure settings
through F12: Configure button.
F11: Features button appear almost in every screen upon selecting a company. You get same option
irrespective of screen where you launch it. Features settings are Company specific. You can activate
an option for one company and de-activate the same for another company. F12 : Configure is contextsensitive.
You get different options on launching this button at different screens. Configuration option
relevant to the specific screen would appear. The settings you make through
F12:Configure is global (and not company specific), change made becomes effective for all the
companies you work with Tally.
Note :Some features like multi-currency and multi-locations, once enabled and used, cannot be
modified. the two features. Cost centers and Bill-wise details – must be activated in features screen to
be available for ledger accounts. Feature changes (F11:Features)affect only the current company but
configuration changes (F12: Configure) affect all the open companies.
Why Tally is Popular?
Welcome to TALLY, a friendly business accounting software. Tally is a popular software because of
its following user-friendly features:
1. It is user-friendly and can be used, even by a novice, in the field of computers and Accounting,
thus giving you full control over every aspect of your business accounting.
2. You don’t have to wait for days on end to have a quick look at the financial status of your
Business/Firm. Tally provides you instant results.
3. You don’t have to memorise Codes for your accounts, Debtors and Creditors. Leave this to
4. it is flexible and can be customized to suit your daily work schedules and needs, like
customizing Vouchers, Final Reports etc.
5. It is highly secured against data tampering. Different labels of security designed with different
authorities for data access and usage.
6. It has interactive online Help to bail you out from any confusion.
Requirements for installing TALLY as 6.3
• Hardware Requirements: The following minimum configuration is required by TALLY for
efficient response:
• Processor: IBM PC compatible computers with CPU’s of the Intel family 80586 or better.
• RAM or Main Memory: 32 MB suggested for Windows 98 and 64 MB for windows 2000 as
• Disk Storage: At least 10 MB of free hard disk storage space. Tally programs require less than 3
Mb. Approximately 1 MB of space is required for every 1000 transaction.
• Installation Drive: CD ROM drive.
• Operating System Software: Tally works on all major PC operating platforms, viz. Microsoft
Windows 95 and above. In fact, the Tally pack contains the versions for Windows 95/98/ME and
Windows NT/2000 Operating Systems. Tally is able to auto-detect the operating system platform.
In a network environment, your data could reside on any file server including Windows 98/ME,
NT/2000, Netware, Unix and Linux servers.
The network protocol supported is primarily TCP/IP. Other protocols could be used with TCP/IP
running on top.
its following user-friendly features:
1. It is user-friendly and can be used, even by a novice, in the field of computers and Accounting,
thus giving you full control over every aspect of your business accounting.
2. You don’t have to wait for days on end to have a quick look at the financial status of your
Business/Firm. Tally provides you instant results.
3. You don’t have to memorise Codes for your accounts, Debtors and Creditors. Leave this to
4. it is flexible and can be customized to suit your daily work schedules and needs, like
customizing Vouchers, Final Reports etc.
5. It is highly secured against data tampering. Different labels of security designed with different
authorities for data access and usage.
6. It has interactive online Help to bail you out from any confusion.
Requirements for installing TALLY as 6.3
• Hardware Requirements: The following minimum configuration is required by TALLY for
efficient response:
• Processor: IBM PC compatible computers with CPU’s of the Intel family 80586 or better.
• RAM or Main Memory: 32 MB suggested for Windows 98 and 64 MB for windows 2000 as
• Disk Storage: At least 10 MB of free hard disk storage space. Tally programs require less than 3
Mb. Approximately 1 MB of space is required for every 1000 transaction.
• Installation Drive: CD ROM drive.
• Operating System Software: Tally works on all major PC operating platforms, viz. Microsoft
Windows 95 and above. In fact, the Tally pack contains the versions for Windows 95/98/ME and
Windows NT/2000 Operating Systems. Tally is able to auto-detect the operating system platform.
In a network environment, your data could reside on any file server including Windows 98/ME,
NT/2000, Netware, Unix and Linux servers.
The network protocol supported is primarily TCP/IP. Other protocols could be used with TCP/IP
running on top.
Manual Book-keeping Vs Computerized Accounting
Manual Book-Keeping
In manual Book-Keeping, you first create ledgers; carry forward previous year’s closing balance as
Opening Balance for the current year. Record cash transaction in Cash Book and non-cash
transactions in Journal (or subsidiary books), then amounts from Cash Book and Journal are posted
into respective ledgers.
Whenever, you need to know balance of any ledger, you are required to total amounts in both Debit
and Credit columns of the ledger and compute the difference to derive the closing balance for the
Ledger as on that date. To prepare Final Accounts (Profit & Loss A/c, Balance Sheet) for any period,
you have to compute closing balance of ledgers for the period and then prepare a Trial Balance. From
Trial Balance, you post Nominal accounts to Profit & Loss A/c, Real & Personal ledgers to Balance
Next year, when you create New Year books, again you create all the ledgers afresh and enter
opening balance (a sheer repetition and monotonous job.)
Since Posting, casting, totaling and balancing – all are done manually, this leaves enough room for
errors. At the time of finalization of accounts, it’s a common scenario that Accountants are burning
mid-night oil to tally Trial balance. And even after spending few sleepless nights, if accounts do not
match, they are forced to leave an entry in Final Accounts Difference in Trial Balance having no
Computerized Accounting
When you opt for Computerized Accounting first time, you have to create all the ledgers and enter
opening balance (in subsequent years you need not to create the Ledgers again or carry forward
previous year’s closing balance as opening balance since it would be carried forward on it’s own by
the software) and classify at this stage. Thereafter, you enter all transactions in Vouchers (different
types of Vouchers to record diverse nature of transactions). That’s all you have to do and everything
else (like posting to Ledger, preparation of Trial Balance, Final Accounts etc.) is done by the
In computerized accounting, while creating new ledger, you are required to classify it suitably under
relevant accounts Group to tell the software the nature of the Ledger and where it will appear. This is
necessary at this stage as all Reports are prepared on-line the moment you enter transactions
(Vouchers). In case of Manual Book-Keeping, this classification is done at later stage (after
preparation of Trial Balance, Nominal Accounts are transferred to Profit & Loss Account through
Journal Entry, Real & Personal Accounts are posted to Balance Sheet under proper heading i.e.
Year-end Entries
In manual book-keeping, you are required to pass Journal entries to transfer closing balance of all
nominal accounts to prepare Profit & Loss Accounts, which you are not required to do in case of
computerized accounting. The software does this job on it’s own. In next year, only closing balance
of Real and Personal accounts are carried and nominal accounts balance is zeroed by the software (for
which you pass Journal entries in manual book-keeping). The advantages are that your accounts are
always open and any modification is instantly reflected.
In manual Book-Keeping, you first create ledgers; carry forward previous year’s closing balance as
Opening Balance for the current year. Record cash transaction in Cash Book and non-cash
transactions in Journal (or subsidiary books), then amounts from Cash Book and Journal are posted
into respective ledgers.
Whenever, you need to know balance of any ledger, you are required to total amounts in both Debit
and Credit columns of the ledger and compute the difference to derive the closing balance for the
Ledger as on that date. To prepare Final Accounts (Profit & Loss A/c, Balance Sheet) for any period,
you have to compute closing balance of ledgers for the period and then prepare a Trial Balance. From
Trial Balance, you post Nominal accounts to Profit & Loss A/c, Real & Personal ledgers to Balance
Next year, when you create New Year books, again you create all the ledgers afresh and enter
opening balance (a sheer repetition and monotonous job.)
Since Posting, casting, totaling and balancing – all are done manually, this leaves enough room for
errors. At the time of finalization of accounts, it’s a common scenario that Accountants are burning
mid-night oil to tally Trial balance. And even after spending few sleepless nights, if accounts do not
match, they are forced to leave an entry in Final Accounts Difference in Trial Balance having no
Computerized Accounting
When you opt for Computerized Accounting first time, you have to create all the ledgers and enter
opening balance (in subsequent years you need not to create the Ledgers again or carry forward
previous year’s closing balance as opening balance since it would be carried forward on it’s own by
the software) and classify at this stage. Thereafter, you enter all transactions in Vouchers (different
types of Vouchers to record diverse nature of transactions). That’s all you have to do and everything
else (like posting to Ledger, preparation of Trial Balance, Final Accounts etc.) is done by the
In computerized accounting, while creating new ledger, you are required to classify it suitably under
relevant accounts Group to tell the software the nature of the Ledger and where it will appear. This is
necessary at this stage as all Reports are prepared on-line the moment you enter transactions
(Vouchers). In case of Manual Book-Keeping, this classification is done at later stage (after
preparation of Trial Balance, Nominal Accounts are transferred to Profit & Loss Account through
Journal Entry, Real & Personal Accounts are posted to Balance Sheet under proper heading i.e.
Year-end Entries
In manual book-keeping, you are required to pass Journal entries to transfer closing balance of all
nominal accounts to prepare Profit & Loss Accounts, which you are not required to do in case of
computerized accounting. The software does this job on it’s own. In next year, only closing balance
of Real and Personal accounts are carried and nominal accounts balance is zeroed by the software (for
which you pass Journal entries in manual book-keeping). The advantages are that your accounts are
always open and any modification is instantly reflected.
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