Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tally Function Keys for Vouchers

You can mark Vouchers as Post-dated while entering them. Tally will include the post-dated

vouchers only on the due date. The Post-Dated button on the Button Panel toggles between Post-dated

and Current options. Suppose you pay installments for and item in the last week of every month. You

can set-up the payments in advance, which will be included in the books, by marking them regular on

the due date.
Purchase Order

A Purchase Order can be easily generated by Tally and the same can be directly sent to the Supplier.

The Order position can be seen in the Stock Summary. The Purchase Order Book lists all the

Purchase Orders placed and the Sales Order Book lists all the Sales Orders received.

Balance Sheet

It is a statement of Assets and Liabilities. You can view the Balance Sheet by pressing the alphabet B

on the Gateway of Tally screen:

Gateway of TallyBalance Sheet

Configuring Balance Sheet

You can even change the configuration of the Balance Sheet by using the buttons on the Button

Panel. The buttons are discussed below:

 F1:Detailed : To have the Closing Balance of the Sub-Groups or Leders under each Primary

Group. This gives you the break-up of the Grouped figures in the Balance Sheet. This button

toggles between F1:Detailed and F1:Condensed.

 F7:Valuation : To change the Valuation method for Closing Stock. This button will be enabled

only if you have activated the option Integrate Accounts & Inventory? In F11: Features menu.

New Column : It allows you to add new columns to the Balance Sheet of the active

Company. You can get the Balance Sheet of another active Company or the same Company
for different periods in this new column.

• Alter Column : To alter the details (Period, Stock Valuation Method, etc.),place the cursor in

the column to be altered and press the Alt and A keys together or click on this button.

• Del Column : To delete the columns added to the Balance Sheet, just place the cursor in the

column to be deleted and press the Alt and D keys together or click on this button.

• Auto Column : This button allows you to add multiple columns to the Balance Sheet. The

New Column button allows you to add only one column at a time, but this button allows you

to add as many columns as you wish in one go. When you click on this button, a sub-menu of

Column details pops-up prompting you to specify the required details.

The various options given in the Column Details sub-menu are described as follows:

i. Company : This option is very helpful for comparative analysis of all the active

companies. It gives you their Balance Sheet’s in different columns.

ii. Daily : To get the Balance Sheet on a daily basis.

iii. Half Yearly : To get the Balance Sheet on a half yearly basis.

iv. Month-wise : To get the Balance Sheet for every month.

v. Quarterly : To get the Balance Sheet quarterly.

vi. Weekly : To get the Balance Sheet weekly.

vii. Yearly : To get the Balance Sheet yearly.

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